When Buddha and Jesus Sat Together

The Story about True Faith and Religious Harmony

K A Simran
Spiritual Tree
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2020


Image by xilrion.deviantart.com

Two men had a heated argument one day about whose religion was better. One of them was Christian, and the other was a Buddhist follower.

The Buddhist follower said, “How many times do I have to tell you that our religion is greater than yours? Buddhism does not teach to kill anyone. Your people kill and eat innocent animals to fulfill your appetite.”

The Christian man shouted and said, “How dare you call us murderers. We are Christians, and our religion doesn’t prohibit eating meat. Our religion is very liberal. On the contrary, your religion does not know at all about freedom. In Christianity, everyone is equal before God.”

The Buddhist follower’s eyes scanned the Christian man from head to toe and said, “It is true that there are some restrictions in our religion, but they are there to maintain some dignity in society. We respect God. We consider him sacred. We do not walk in the temple with shoes on as you do.”

The Buddha and Jesus were watching them from heaven. They both got sad and upset.

Jesus, who had sat quietly listening to the two men talk, turned to the Buddha and asked, “Is it true? Does your religion say so? Is it what you taught them?”

