Willow Talk

A reminder from the willow tree

Janaka Stagnaro
Spiritual Tree
Published in
3 min readAug 19, 2020


Image by Peggy Choucair from Pixabay

This is the story of Willow and how Willow came to be. This is the story told to me by Willow for my son and all children. And even for adults, too, if they can get out of their heads, if only for a moment. . . .

A long time ago, at the beginning of the new cycle of Grandmother Earth, the spirit of Willow approached this planet. Already there grew many tree people upon the Earth. They, too, were spirit but had taken form.

There grew the great Sequoia, so tall and majestic, who could see over the whole world as a reminder of the need to see the whole picture before judging another. There grew, all gnarled and twisted, Grandfather Oak, who although looked old, reminded all of the strength in age. So, too, grew the Birch people, white and pure, as a reminder of the untarnished Great Spirit.

In addition, there grew Pine and Eucalyptus and Cedar and Banyon and many, many more. So many, in fact, that even the Creator had difficulty counting them all. And each possessing their own message.

So when the spirit of Willow came to Grandmother Earth and saw the great nation of the tree people, she asked Great Spirit why she should take form, if so many existed already.



Janaka Stagnaro
Spiritual Tree

Poetry, parables, articles — spiritual, life-lessons, Waldorf education, artwork. 11 books.