
Without Me

Don’t be without me

Varun Jain
Spiritual Tree
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2021


In the morning, when you gently wake up
to the sound of the birds,
Don't wake up without me.

You sip water
Or nibble on a piece of bread,
Don’t eat or drink without me.

When you perform your daily chores
no matter how trivial it may seem,
Don't do them without me.

When you walk to the garden
gently taking each step
Don't take a step without me.

When you laugh with your friends,
having a good time in the garden,
Don't be with them without me.

When you toil to earn your bread
No matter how busy you may seem,
Don’t work without me.

When you watch the sun setting down
saying goodbye for the day
Don’t watch it go without me.

When you are tired at the end of the day
and going off to bed
Don't go off to sleep without me.

You may be in the midst of the crowd
But you will still be alone,
If you be without me.

Thank you for stopping by. If you enjoyed this, explore few of my other poems / articles.



Varun Jain
Spiritual Tree

Writing is therapy for me. An integral part of my spiritual journey