You: The only ‘One’ in the Universe!

Isha Tewari Srivastava
Spiritual Tree
Published in
5 min readAug 1, 2020

Find your unique purpose and live it

Photo by Jonatan Lewczuk on Unsplash

In this universe of millions of galaxies and billions of stars, ‘Milky Way’ is one such galaxy, which can boast of a unique planet called ‘Earth’. The only planet known to us that has life on it. Our blue planet inhabits countless species of flora and fauna, which are unique in their own way.

The sky, which envelops us, also emits numerous unique colours evident especially during dawn and dusk, making it a sight to behold. And we, the most advanced creation on this planet, are different from each other in 7.8 billion ways, our present day count.

The Creator, who delights in variety, stamps every creation: ‘Unique’.

Splendid isn’t it!

You are Unique with a Purpose

I am always awestruck when I think that the Creator of this vast, unfathomable Universe; after creating all the galaxies, planets and oceans, still felt that the world was missing something, and created ‘You’!

Think for a moment, could this beautiful Creation be just a whim of the Creator? Impossible! Just by observing Creation, one can quickly understand that everything has been built with a Purpose: a purpose to add value to Creation and be useful towards it. Uniqueness and interdependence have been woven into the very fabric of Creation!

So trees bear fruit and provide shade, butterflies bring beauty, joy and aid in pollination; the Sun shines and sustains the Solar System. And You are here to fulfill a unique purpose which the Creator envisioned when He conceived you!!

Get this:

Another ‘You’ was never created before and never will be created again!! You are Unique, with a unique mission to fulfill!

Now if that is not your opportunity of a lifetime, to celebrate your uniqueness and share it with the world, then what is??

Finding your Uniqueness

The first step towards living life as your authentic self and expressing your uniqueness is in making a switch from the ‘survival’ mode to the explore and thrive mode. You have got to believe that you were created to express your unique identity and thrive, adding value to the lives of others!

Therefore, you need to stir yourself up and find out what it is that makes you truly unique, what makes you ‘you’.

Now don’t be mistaken that if you are not in possession of an obvious talent like singing, or playing a sport, you are not the Chosen One. All are Chosen! The Just Creator left no one out while distributing gifts from His rich treasure.

But it is possible that your gifts are lying dormant, and your uniqueness is gathering dust because you are either too busy following the herd or just living to make ends meet. If instead, you choose to add your unique expression to whatever you are doing and in the exact place you are, then Lo! Your whole life can change and so can the lives of those you touch!

What are the ways in which you could be unique? Here are some:

  • Your Unique Journey: The journey you have undertaken on this planet is unique! So many people can learn and grow by listening to your life experiences and how you have evolved through them.
  • Perspective: You might be blessed with a unique perspective, an ability to see things from a different angle, be a problem solver and a source of positivity in any situation.
  • Value System: In the current world where people are easily forgetting cultural and human values, you could be the flag bearer of the values that are entrenched in you and lead others by example.
  • Virtues: Being in possession of virtues such as honesty, compassion, generosity, integrity, fidelity, fairness could well be the unique gifts, which you are called upon to share with the world.
  • A Listening Ear: Not many possess the gift of listening. It’s easy to hear but how many can truly listen? If you are a listener, you could be a great comforter to someone in need of being heard.
  • Gentleness: You could be carrying a gentle mannerism and grace as you go about leading life. That itself is an inspiring trait, which many can learn from.
  • Spiritual Wisdom: You could be born to be a Light-worker, with a mission to bring people closer to Truth and God.
  • Ability to Inspire: Some people have the special ability to inspire others in simple as well as big ways. Either by their ability to conquer hurdles and lead a positive life, or just by way of who they are. You could be an inspiration to those who need it.

This is but a fragment of a massive list. You have your own list of qualities. Jot them down, recognise them and realize your unique position in this Universe! Then make an affirmation to put your Uniqueness to good use, for the benefit of all!

What happens when you Channelize Your Uniqueness

Now, coming to the final point. Will anything magically change in your life if you channelize your uniqueness? It’s OK if you are thinking: ‘What do I stand to gain by expressing my uniqueness?’

Let me answer that!

Firstly, you must know that journey which you are on, is all about your Soul, which is undergoing a human experience. So while fulfillments on the physical dimension have their own place, they are not the ultimate agenda. Our ultimate agenda is to fulfill the agenda of our Soul. And we do that by expressing our Soul qualities, various aspects of our uniqueness, which we talked about.

A life lived expressing our Unique-Self is a life lived in alignment with our Soul purpose. I leave it up to you to decide what is more important; material accomplishments that are transient, or living to fulfill the purpose of your Soul, which is eternal?

Secondly, when you realize and use your uniqueness to benefit the world around you, you are attracting abundance in your own life! When we give, we receive; that is the Law of Nature. When we make our lives useful and one of service, we receive blessings from all directions!

And lastly, by not playing out your Unique role, you risk losing out on a golden opportunity which this human birth provides, one of being a part in the evolution of the Universe, and in turn your own. Let’s be mindful of this while we still have the time! And let’s be prepared with a good enough answer, just in case our Creator asks us once we are back, “So, what did you do with your life?” or, “Did you leave the planet a little better than how it was before you were sent down?”

You have a lot to gain once you embark on this deeply fulfilling journey of celebrating your Uniqueness and spreading your light in the world!

Remember, there is just ‘One’ of ‘You’. Be unique, and Stay unique!!

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Isha Tewari Srivastava
Spiritual Tree

Wellness Aficionado | Fashion Designer | Zealous Writer | Critical Thinker | Truth Seeker | Website-The Wellness Cafe: