27 Signs You Are Spiritually Awakening.

Divina Alma
Spiritual Truth, Growth and Development
13 min readJul 12, 2021
Image, Wallpaper Safari — Spiritual Meditations Wallpaper Chakra

Spiritual Awakening Introduction

Spiritual Awakening or in other terms Spiritual Ascension can be both a beautiful but painful yet hard process to adjust to. The meaning behind this awakening is that you are starting to see things on what they are and who they are. It gives you not only clarity of the meaning behind the life you are intended to live in but also a sense of reality that the world we are living in, is not for what we are normally seeing anymore.

In this article, I will explain the best as I can what is spiritual awakening, what causes it, the signs and processes and stages. Since it is a tough process especially after/during/before overcoming a Spiritual Crisis (aka spiritual emergency), it will give you a new meaning and a better view of understanding of how the world truly is.

What is Spiritual Awakening?

As mentioned in the beginning, spiritual awakening is a stage of a view of the reality that we are currently living in. In other words and in different cultures it can be called such as; “enlightenment”, “bliss”, “nirvana”, “spiritual rebirth”, “religious experience”, “regeneration of the spirit” and plenty other terms that are associate with spiritual awakening.

At first, spiritual awakening can be both nerve wreaking, overwhelming and so emotional going through a person who is in their spiritual awakening process. Questions that tend to pop up in a person’s mind would be like “who am I?”, “why am I here?”, “what is the reason I am here?” and so on. Questioning every doubt and unknowingly to your entire existence and view of reality, people, family and friends. Relationships above all. But it can be a beautiful experience. Both wonderful and exciting. Especially after discovering our sense of knowing and who and what we are doing here along with the true meaning of our life.

What Causes Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual awakening can literally be caused by anything. Any traumatic events that you have encountered in your life. In the article from MBGMindfullness called, “Spiritual Awakening: 21 Signs You are going through a Spiritual Awakening + How to Embrace it”, written by Sarah Regan. She stated in her article (that she references from a Spiritual Auther known as Shannon Kaiser) that the main events that trigger your awakening quoted;

“life-threatening illnesses, car accidents, divorces, war, pandemics, quarter-life or midlife crises, mental health crises such as clinical depression or anxiety, or even a near-death experience.”

In order to bypass it, according to her article, she stated from written by a professional intuitive author who written the book called, “Angel Intuition, by Tanya Carrol Richardson”, where she has stated that;

“Ultimately, anything that encourages (or forces) you to “look at your life from a more spiritual perspective” can set you on a path toward awakening.”

The Signs of Spiritual Awakening.

Here are simple signs that I have my best to narrow it down to a minimum of 27, but if you would like to know more check out Shannon Regan’s article and more deeper dive into Spiritual Awakening. There are plenty more articles regarding this topic so I will list personal favourites near the end.

  1. You feel disconnected or detached

The spiritual awakening process might be overpowering and perplexing at first. It’s easy to believe that everything you thought you knew about your life was a lie. Everything you’ve believed, built and strived for appears to be a lie. It doesn’t feel like your life is your own. You don’t feel like yourself anymore, and virtually everything you used to love no longer has significance or enjoyment for you.

2. You’ve reevaluated your beliefs

Spiritual awakening will very certainly force you to alter or embrace important new spiritual views. You begin to see how many of your views, attitudes, and values are influenced by others or acquired from your society. You’re becoming more self-aware.

3. Your dreams are more vivid

A spiritual awakening can make your waking life more vivid, but it can also make your dream life more vibrant. The meanings of your dreams and how they relate to your path may also become clearer.

4. You experience more synchronicities and deja vu

If you’re constantly seeing angel numbers or have synchronicities, such as thinking about someone and then unexpectedly running into them the next day. You begin to notice the countless signals and omens that life sends your way. With you, life becomes much more responsive and engaging. The likelihood of serendipity and déjà vu is increasing. You could even have a number of magical encounters.

5. Your relationships begin to shift

There’s no denying that spiritual awakenings are life-changing, and the people in your life may not always understand this. “Because you are changing, you may feel as though your loved ones don’t understand you anymore,” Kaiser says. Richardson recommends that you ask loved ones to appreciate what you’re going through and remind them that they don’t have to share your enlightenment.

6. You feel spirituality is becoming an important part of your life

One of your top goals will almost certainly be to find purpose and fulfilment in your faith. “Who am I?” is one of the many questions that emerge regarding your identity and existence. “How did I come to be?” “What am I doing here?” “What is the point of my existence?” says the narrator.

7. You’re more intuitive

You start to listen gradually to the calm, little voice inside. You allow it to dictate your judgments, and your unconscious mind may send you covert signals. You could even meet up with your spirit guides, spirit animal, or other spiritual companions. Learning to trust your intuition eventually leads to the discovery of your hidden spiritual abilities and talents.

8. You can sense inauthenticity and manipulation

Besides this increased intuition, Kaiser adds that when somebody deceives you, you will also feel any inauthentic or manipulative conduct. “It is difficult to be around things out of integrity,” she says. You wake up to others’ misfortune and sorrow. You may begin exploring activism or learn more about people.

9. You realized everyone is on their own pathway

You also embrace the concept that everybody else is on their own unique path. It doesn’t matter so much now, such as winning discussions or persuading others to think. There emerge unending questions regarding your identity and existence, such as, “Who am I?” “Why did I come to life?” “Here I am to do what?” “What is my life’s purpose?” In this way, you start reading various books and spiritual materials for self-help. You landed up here, no wonder.

10. You feel alone and lost

Spiritual awakening is a simple task and, as Kaiser explained, it might feel quite lonely since there is hope for illumination on the other side. It’s isolating to make your entire life turn upside down, particularly if others are not on the same wave in your life. There seems to be nothing more meaningful in your life. You feel like travelling in an infinite wasteland. You feel entirely independent and separated from people as a vagrant. You fight to relate to people who you formerly felt near (i.e. your friends, work colleagues, and family members).

11. You feel more connected to the natural world

If you feel less connected with your family friends at first, you feel more connected with nature. You will feel your connection to it everything, from plants to animals to the earth as a whole and it may be pretty touching. You don’t mean anything more than materialism, success and wealth. You begin to feel like you are a cog in society’s machine.

12. Your senses are heightened

Senses frequently increase as you become more tuned into the current moment during spiritual awakenings. This involves physical, emotional and/or energy sensitivity. As you become more aware of the various difficulties encountered by mankind and the environment, you acquire more sympathy. Your innate empathy is aroused and the depth of your sentiments may be difficult for you. This is the key element in your internal transformation: you either addict your suffering or discover a healthy method for your emotions to be accepted and expressed.

13. You have a newfound curiosity

You probably have youthful wonder, curiosity, even when it becomes challenging, for the world around you. “There is an indication of spiritual awakening that you may be fascinated about your life and the people inside it, even when you feel emotional.” The little things start to offer delight and happiness: a dropping leaf, a web of spiders, the laughter of the child, a puddle. Life is no longer overlooked — it’s recognized as fantastic, wonderful and lovely.

14. You may have more bodily sensations

Additional body feelings along with enhanced awareness and sensibility. There are no unusual sleep disorders. You’re all more affected by everything. You feel stronger than ever before the energy of others, the grief of your loved ones and the challenges in life. At the same time, you sense a beautifully strengthened relationship with nature and animals. In the natural environment, you start to feel more at home (rather than in the manmade world).

15. You may have physical symptoms

Many symptoms, including tiredness and mental fog, can also lead to spiritual awakenings. You may have profound despair and lasting anxiety. You may experience significant depression. You feel shaky because of the shock of falling into your waking. A mental disease may be misdiagnosed. You follow everywhere with uncertainty and anxiety.

16. There is a sudden change in your habits and routine

Suddenly, you feel that your life has to be simplified and degraded. You may now prioritize spending time in the wild or meditating, or you have abandoned old behaviours that no longer serve you. You are sick and tired of feeling stuck, unhappy and desperate. It might entail trying to toxic individuals, re-assessing your routines, throwing away the old stuff, moving to a new job or area, or even giving away most of your possessions.

17. Your outlook on the world feels different

Spiritual awakenings, once again, are not simple, and their estrangement and ego-shattering realizations can give everyone a feeling that they live in a different reality. You wake up to others’ misfortune and sorrow. You may begin exploring activism or learn more about people. You must comprehend how much misery there in the world, it is terrible.

18. You suddenly want to have more time alone

You’re looking for loneliness. While formerly you’re outgoing, today you encounter your nature’s introverted side. You spend a lot of time looking into the stillness and appreciating it. You strive to reduce social interaction at any cost. You may lose contact with a lot of old pals at this stage. There is no simple spiritual awakening, and although there is the promise of illumination on the other side it will seem terribly lonely. It’s isolating to make your entire life turn upside down, particularly if others are not on the same wave in your life.

19. Conversations seem to be more draining or shallow

You have an intense sensation of detachment when you chat with others. You know that few individuals talk about passion, emotions, significance and the soul with comfort. You feel restless and upset over the little discourse in talks. “No one can wake up and comprehend what is occurring,” you shout softly. You become more alone by your dislike for meaningless chit-chat. You may become a lone wolf or a rebellious spirit of freedom.

20. You want to quit your job

Even though you’ve been working for years, starting and growing, you’re feeling nothing but emptiness. You don’t have the sense of satisfaction you need for your job anymore. You want to do more badly.

21. You seek and thirst for authenticity and truth

True to yourself is high on the agenda. You despise the old masks you’ve been wearing and pretending. You want to be really authentic. You feel ill and unhappy about Pretense.

22. Unconditional Love is being part of your definition

You start loving other people without expects or conditions, as the walls to the ego dissolve (this includes self-love). You lose interest in drama, conflict, and any hateful thing.

23. You see everything and everyone as One

You realize not just that we are all related intellectually, but that you feel deep into your bones. You know that our thoughts and creeds impact reality and that all of us are pieces of a vast Whole — Spirit. You finally find serenity, having experienced fully that we are this Unity. It might take years or even a lifetime sometimes at this point.

24. You’ve realized on what you were taught is a lie

All you have trusted, developed and worked for appears to be untrue. It doesn’t feel like your life is yours. You don’t feel like you anymore — almost everything you loved formerly doesn’t give any more significance or enjoyment. You begin to understand how many views, sentiments, and values are not yours, but are acquired from your society by other people. You develop in the consciousness of yourself.

25. You realized there is a lot deeper meaning in everything

During the spiritual awakening process, not only your intuition and senses are heightening, but also you see that there is a lot deeper meaning than what has been told throughout history. That everything that we’ve been taught was just an illusion to cover the hidden truth.

26. You read between the lines carefully and intuitively

If you have had followed a certain belief, you had realized that now that every word that is either written in the books, like the Bible has a lot deeper meaning than what is being said. And you are so eager to crave for the truth and understanding of each scripture undercover meanings that you now know make more sense versus what has been told.

27. Craving for a sense of purpose and meaning

You want to uncover your life’s purpose deeply. You know nothing about your mission, but you urgently want to find it. There is a feeling that there is “lack” within you (like a part of your soul).

Process and Stages.

Depending on the article you are reading and who is writing, they would use phrases differently from another but they all mean and explain the same thing.

Spiritual Awakening, shifting perspectives

This is the start of your spiritual trip as you begin to ask all you ever knew. You start removing some items from your life (habits, relations, outdated beliefs) and allow new things that are more rewarding. You may feel something is lacking, but yet you haven’t found it out. It’s usually disoriented, bewildered and depressed at this time. You begin in a wholly different manner to see reality. At this point, you begin to see through society’s falsehoods and misconceptions. You don’t perceive life like you did in your former self-confidence.

Dark Night of the Soul, feeling disconnected and lost

The second step of a spiritual awakening is much as it sounds: a really raw patch — the lowest patch, indeed. This is often when your soul recalibrates, removes everything from the ego. It’s really difficult, but once it’s down, there’s nothing but it gets up — it makes you make a genuine difference. The second step of a spiritual awakening is much as it sounds: a really raw patch — the lowest patch, indeed. This is often when your soul recalibrates, removes everything from the ego. It’s really difficult, but once it’s down, there’s nothing but it gets up — it makes you make a genuine difference.

Sponge, seeking answers and meaning

You are ready to start constructing your new and better life, once you have made it through the dark night of the soul. In the third phase, everything is about investigating and trying things for size, Kaiser explains. You start to connect with yourself and try out new interests, beliefs, relationships, etc. You are looking for your purpose for life, your spiritual destiny and your meaning for life. You will begin your journey for answers and truth through many metaphysical, self-help and esoteric disciplines. Your emphasis is on starting your spiritual quest.

The Satoru Self, finding answers and experiencing a breakthrough

It alludes to kenshō or “to see in the real nature” in the Zen Buddhist tradition. In this stage, via your abilities, skills and talents you not only learn to identify but honour and incarnate your genuine character. As old patterns disintegrate and your actual spirit begins to emerge, you will feel a sensation of expansion. You may have several mystical experiences or a brief time of satori (illumination) that will offer you a glimpse into the ultimate essence of existence. It’s a moment of pleasure, optimism, connection and admiration.

The Soul Sessions, delusional feeling a sense of hopelessness

You construct the structure that your genuine spirit may prosper through. This might involve a certain amount of trial and error and various techniques. Your soul grows and heals over this period as you find the routines and rituals which work for them. Of course, this encounter will make you feel troubled and extremely distressed. In addition, you might feel shallow although having had several mental/emotional/ spiritual breakthroughs. You desire for honesty and for profound spiritually transforming each area of your life. The discontent and stagnation that you experience will push you to seek more.

The Surrender, Deeper Inner Work — Shadow Work

In this phase, you no longer want to dabble in spiritual feel-good ideas or superficial practises. It all concerns the release of all other structures, convictions and facets of the ego, which protect you from your reality. You are motivated to deep inner work by the continuing anguish you experience inside. You can become a serious meditating student, an attentive learner, ritual, child labour, shadow work, bodywork or several other ideologies of a transperson. At the moment, you have known your soul, you have discovered a lifestyle that works for you, yet individuals or habits might still hold you back. This is where you release them, so that you may get into your power completely.

Awareness and Service, Integration and expansion

Integration implies that you take your inner work spiritual learning and apply them to your everyday lives. Integration occurs as a habit in a profound spiritual practice spontaneously and intentionally. It is at this point that in each instant you move through life with elegance and clarity, you are fully aware of your own divinity. You live in service to others that give you tremendous pleasure and pleasure. You will widen your viewpoint and start viewing things from the larger picture. Above all, you will feel connected, peaceful and aligned with yourself and life.

Just remember,

Above all, no matter how long your spiritual awakening process goes, just remember that it may seem and feels tough especially knowing that not many people will be by your side supporting you through it all, just know that you will be glad and happier knowing you made it on your own.

Tarot Reading Guidance.

If ever you feel lost about anything certain that is bothering you and/or you feel lost in any way possible, please feel free to contact me at blackice.divine@gmail.com to book for a tarot reading session or click on the link below to book with me through there. For more information please contact me via email at blackicecrystaljewelry@hotmail.com regarding the reading and the prices along with payments.

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