Are We Spiritually Divided?

Divina Alma
Spiritual Truth, Growth and Development
4 min readJul 13, 2021
Spiritually Division Canva Studio

My Story

Ever since I was young, I always grew and believed that we are meant to be love and treated the way God has taught us to treat each other. I grew up in a Catholic household with a Catholic mom married to a Born Again Christian dad but as time went on and the years have gone by, I have noticed even as a young child that this isn’t what we were taught — or as I thought we were supposed to be taught.

I knew I wasn’t meant to be placed on Earth just to live a day-to-day life — school, work, get a job, pay bills, retire and die. I knew there was just so much meaning to life than that, but I still continued to live the way I thought we were supposed to live. That being said, the more I grew older the more I realized I wasn’t crazy — but I wasn’t understood even now I am still not understood because my mind was so complicated to explain to anyone that it has gotten to the point where I fell into a deep depression. Anxiety. Worrying. Traumatic childhood.

Though my childhood wasn’t the greatest it sure wasn’t the best as time went on I start to learn more, experience more and started to understand myself slowly, throughout my upbringing, traumatic events, situations and relationships with both friends, family and partners — I have grown to understand more each and every day. Where I began to understand who I am and what I am as well.

Who am I? What am I? Why am I here and what am I going to share?

My name is Divina Alma, I am an Intuitive Empathic Tarot Reader but I am also not only discovering more truths and knowledge of myself more but I am also discovering truths about why we are all connected and how we are all connected. Deep diving into somewhere not many people, especially Christianity, held deeper meaning — secrets — the truth.

I have been a curious child — innocent in fact as well. As each year went on I always yearn for more answers, for more knowledge, for more information on why doesn’t life make sense. Why do everything and every day we live in a life where we feel have no purpose? Why do we see that what is said in the bible isn’t what we see in reality? Who we are? What we are? Why we are all here and how can we be united and share that unity that has been taken away from us centuries ago?

In the next few articles, I am going to share not only my insight on what I have been gathering all of my years but I will also be sharing theories, conspiracies and digging and diving deep, connecting each puzzle and putting it together to share the bigger picture on what we should all know or even awoken to a deeper understand and meaning of life. Since I believe that everyone has a deeper purpose in their life but we are all brainwashed into a society where it knows nothing but control. Nothing but division, chaos and hatred. As we all were born to go in a different pathway of spirituality (religiously) but having the same end goal — whether that would be heaven or enlightenment.

Sharing on what I not only know but what I’ve been knowing. I always have been hiding this part of myself and my own spiritual journey as I am still going through this journey of awakening. As mentioned, each article will be sectioned off into small bits of details trying to give each and every one of you who is willing to dive deep into the hidden secrets of truths, who are willing to be awakened from the reality we live in and from a world of materialistic than a world from universal love and unity.

If you are interested and diving in deep with me, please subscribe and share this article with friends and family. Follow me on my social, TikTok where I share videos briefly explaining each content and chapter for your audible understanding. Till then, I will see you in my next article.

Tarot Reading Guidance.

If ever you feel lost about anything certain that is bothering you and/or you feel lost in any way possible, please feel free to contact me at to book for a tarot reading session or click on the link below to book with me through there. For more information please contact me via email at regarding the reading and the prices along with payments.

Photo by Soulful Stock on Unsplash

