Cracks in the religious facade: Hidden Costs of Blind Faith

Shiloh Cyrus
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2024

Is mainstream religion a haven or a trap? A look through the Cracks in the religious facade of the church to unveil a hidden truth.

How to Recognize and Address the Cracks in Religious Facade.

Cracks in the Chalice: My journey began like so many others: steeped in scripture and bathed in the warm glow of stained glass. I believed every word, every hymn, blindly trusting the church as my beacon of truth. But whispers of doubt began to crack the tarnished chalice of my faith. I saw contradictions, felt the sting of exclusion, and witnessed manipulation cloaked in righteousness.

Beyond the Pulpit: My quest for truth led me beyond the gilded walls of organized religion. I delved into history’s dusty tombs, unearthing skeletons of power and control masked as divine decree. I saw fear used as currency, obedience demanded, and dissent silenced. And I realized, for many, mainstream religion isn’t a haven of solace, but a gilded cage.

Beneath the surface, I discovered a machinery of control, where Exclusionary practices, manipulation, and silencing of dissent — these were not the tools of a loving God, but the shackles of a system built for earthly dominion.

My sheltered faith, like a precious chalice, shattered on the cold floor of reality. Could the God of love truly condone such manipulation and control? Yet, amidst the disillusionment, a spark remained — the essence of faith untainted.

A Path Unveiled: Practical Steps forward.

But this isn’t an indictment of faith itself. It’s a call to open your eyes, to see the insidious threads woven into the fabric of many religious structures. It’s about reclaiming your spiritual agency, stepping out of the shadows, and find a true path to authentically connection with the divine.

Read More: Uncover the hidden costs of blind adherence and ignite your journey toward an unshackled faith. Click the link below to delve deeper into the Cracks in the religious facade and discover the light that shines beyond.


Join the Conversation: Share your thoughts on this critical topic. Have you experienced similar cracks in your own faith journey? Do you believe it’s possible to find authentic faith outside the confines of organized religion?



Shiloh Cyrus

I am in service to and a servant of the great spirit. I am a life coach who is willing to here to help you regardless of your background or beliefs.