Does God allow Satan to afflict people? #5

Shiloh Cyrus
Published in
2 min readNov 30, 2020

11. As the bible says, Job was blameless, but
It does not mean that he was sinless. It means
that he was a God-fearing man who sought to do
what was right before the Great Spirit.
Job’s awareness of his own sins
is acknowledged by the fact that he
sacrificed animals to God as atonement
for his sins in chapter 1.
The bible does say that Satan made a boast
to God claiming that Job will denounce God
now that he had sinned and was going
to finally be severely afflicted.

12. Job had been avoiding the snares of satan and
he was enjoying God’s blessing and protection.
But as mentioned earlier Job was aware of his
own sins and, it’s those sins that opened the
door for satan to afflict him.
Satan was not asking permission from God, but
was taunting him because God was always well
pleased with Job and his faithfulness.
Thus Satan was going to throw everything he
could at Job to show God that his faith in man
was misplaced and, that even a good man like Job
would turn from God and curse him once robbed of
the good fortune God had bestowed upon him.

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Shiloh Cyrus

I am in service to and a servant of the great spirit. I am a life coach who is willing to here to help you regardless of your background or beliefs.