Does God allow Satan to afflict people? #6

Shiloh Cyrus
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2020

13. Job understood the consequences of his
actions, which is why he sacrificed animals
to the Lord as atonement for his sins. - Daily Blessings

Daily Blessing, Prosperity blessings —

job knows that according to spiritual law there
was a price to be paid for committing the sin and
wanted to make sure that God was aware that he
was sorry for his actions and was going to
continue to be a man of God.

God forgives, but Satan does not. He will make
sure you pay the full price for whatever sin was
indulged in. its spiritual law.

God knows it, Satan knows it,
and Job was aware of it. Satan did not
need God’s permission to afflict Job.

14. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for
whatever one sows, that will he also reap. For
the one who sows to his own flesh will from the
flesh reap corruption,

but the one who sows to the Spirit will from
the Spirit reap eternal rewards in this life
and there-after. Job was a man,
no different than us.

He had a lapse in judgment and did something he
should not of. It happens. And because it happens
Satan is ever ready to make you pay.

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is to help you have a blessed life. So each day I share
sacred knowledge that God wants you to know. what I reveal
will teach you how to manifest the things you need and want most in life.
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Daily Blessings
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Shiloh Cyrus

I am in service to and a servant of the great spirit. I am a life coach who is willing to here to help you regardless of your background or beliefs.