Shiloh Cyrus
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2020


Does God allow Satan to afflict people? (Job part 1)

  1. God will permit only what we permit. He has
    given us the right to choose — life or death,
    blessing, or cursing. When God created man He
    created us in the image and likeness of God.
    Adam walked and talked with God and knew Him.
    God never required him to be sick to know Him.
    Adam never experienced sickness until he
    changed gods. Adam was the one who made the
    decision to disobey. He was not forced —
    he made the decision on his own.

Read the Daily Blessing

2. Satan’s ability to afflict people has been
dramatically increased here in these dark days.
At the End of Days, Wisdom shall be lost as
Justice becomes blind in the world of men.
Valor shall turn to Wrath and, all Hope will be
swallowed by Despair. Death, at last, shall
spread its wings over all as Fate begins to
shatter. We are living in dark times, and the
decisions you make right now certainly hold
the power of life and death. Turning a blind
eye to these revelations leads to death.

Come claim your Blessing

3. In biblical terms, we are experiencing the
fifth and sixth trumpets. And in the dreadful
situation of today, the fifth trumpet depicts the
deepening spiritual darkness and the
consequences in the world and the escalation of
the demonic activities that lead up to the
battle of Armageddon. It’s during these times
that the dark forces will do their best to
deceive you by circumstances to rob you of your
god-given protection & blessings. Ignoring this
truth will encourage demonic activity.

Blessed Be you

4. Evil will dictate to you as long as you
continue to live by what you see, hear, or feel.
To break Satan’s authority over you, a choice
will need to be made. Continue to walk in darkness
or open your eyes to the truth. This choice will
affect all aspects of your life. The darkness is
like unseen cancer that corrupts every good
thing. Relationships are turned to rubble,
careers are crushed, and friendships are
flattened, and lives are lost. Scripture inspired
by the Great Spirit will dispel the darkness. To
Read on not to read, that is the question.

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Shiloh Cyrus

I am in service to and a servant of the great spirit. I am a life coach who is willing to here to help you regardless of your background or beliefs.