Does God allow Satan to afflict people? (Job - part 2)

Shiloh Cyrus
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2020

Daily Blessing & Spiritual Truths

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Spiritual Truths: Does God allow Satan to afflict people?
Session 2 ( the Story of Job )

4. Evil will dictate to you as long as you
continue to live by what you see, hear, or feel.
To break Satan’s authority over you, a choice
will need to be made. Continue to walk in darkness
or open your eyes to the truth. This choice will
affect all aspects of your life. The darkness is
like unseen cancer that corrupts every good
thing. Relationships are turned to rubble,
careers are crushed, and friendships are
flattened, and lives are lost. Scripture inspired
by the Great Spirit will dispel the darkness.

5. No human is being afflicted by Satan as a
means of the Great Spirits correction. People
are being afflicted by their own thoughts, words,
and actions. The demon enters, it is true, as a
squatter and not as an owner or a guest or one
who has a right to be there. He comes in as an
intruder and as an invader and enemy. He turns
your own thoughts, words, and actions against
you. He continually attempts to deceive you into
using negative words of defeat to keep you in
lack, loss, and misfortune. But you can break
free by reading my sacred teachings. Inspired
Scripture will break you free from bondage. I
am the light of the world. Whoever follows me
will not walk in darkness but will have
the light of life.
* Grab your key to freedom

6. All Teaching inspired by our heavenly father
will reveal the truth and help you clearly see
the evil at work in your life. It strengthens and
teaches us how to stand against the dark attacks.
It is a shield that helps to ward off the
continual assault of evil and is the key to
setting you free from any demonic strongholds
that are holding you captive in a cycle of lack,
loss & misfortune. The Great Spirit is Light,
and my teachings are also light. As you learn
the truth about God’s power and live accordingly,
your lie will reflect the brilliance of God.
* Break free from demonic strongholds.

Daily Blessings
Sacred Teachings



Shiloh Cyrus

I am in service to and a servant of the great spirit. I am a life coach who is willing to here to help you regardless of your background or beliefs.