Does God allow Satan to afflict people? (Job — part 3)

Shiloh Cyrus
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2020

7. You have the right to choose — life or death,
blessing, or cursing.

For the weapons of our warfare are not
carnal, but spiritual made mighty through God
for the pulling down of satanic strongholds;
casting down imaginations, and every high thing
that exalts itself against the knowledge of God,
and bringing into captivity every thought to the
obedience to Messiah.

God respects your free will choice,
you can choose to walk in his protection
or to stay in an abusive relationship with evil.
Does God allow Satan to afflict people? Yes, but
not by his choice. And my job is to shine a light
in the darkness to help you see the truth. You
don’t have to live in lack, loss & misfortune.

8. When faith-filled words are released by you,
they dominate the laws of sin and death. When
words of doubt are released by you, they align
you with the laws of sin and death. You are the
establishing witness in this earth, and either
the angels of God and or the demons of hell will
carry out the words you speak to bring into
existence the things you have released out of
your mouth. For success, Speak words of faith
and believe in them. So, people are not being
afflicted by Satan as a means of God’s
correction. No, but it is the words
spoken by the people.

9.People are being afflicted by their words and
actions not lining up with the sacred words of
the Great Spirit. My Sacred teaching holds the
answer to Satan’s continual attempts to deceive
you into using negative Words of defeat. The
course of nature is set into being by words.
Not one thing happens in this universe without
it being spoken first. Does God allow Satan to
afflict people? Yes, but not by his choice.
It is YOUR OWN WORDS that you speak that
removes your divine protection and allows
Satan to afflict you. For success, Speak words
of faith and believe in them.

The Great Spirit is the Light, and my teachings
are the path. Whoever follows will not walk in
lack, loss or misfortune, but will enjoy
Peace, Love, and prosperity.

As you learn the truth about God’s power
your life will reflect the brilliance of God.
* Break free from demonic strongholds.

As a servant of the Great Spirit, one of my main priorities
is to help you have a blessed life. So each day I share
sacred knowledge that God wants you to know. what I reveal
will teach you how to manifest the things you need and want most in life.
Don’t let dark forces keep you from reading my daily updates

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Shiloh Cyrus

I am in service to and a servant of the great spirit. I am a life coach who is willing to here to help you regardless of your background or beliefs.