To be, or not to be — Lucky.

Shiloh Cyrus
Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2021

They say Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Opportunity is knocking

luck spell, spell casting service, casting spell to gain karmic rewards, attract good fortune, bring good luck.

Most people notice that they are unlucky when they keep getting the short end of the stick. They start noticing after they don’t get the pay raise or promotion they deserve. Or when they lose every time they play the lottery, buy a scratch-off or go to the casino.

Accidents, misfortune, and unfortunate events seem to steal every favorable opportunity, and they never seem to catch a lucky break.

This negative trend can be part of a larger pattern, handed down from generation to generation. Things can also start taking a downward spiral after a small let down but have continually gotten worse after that.

Either way, whether it’s a generational situation or has begun happening more recently, the cycle must be broken if you wish to become lucky.

One of the best ways to break the negative spiral is with a Spell to bring good luck, fortune, and much-needed favor.

We also know that this unfavorable condition can also be self-induced, meaning that it is or has been brought about by you.

You may experience misfortune if you are always hedging your bets and never take any chances in life. You can’t ever win any money at the horse races if you don’t place a bet.

I’m not advising you to take your life saving, jump in your car, and head to Vegas or go to the corner service station and purchase a million lottery tickets.

However, I am telling you that risk is part of life. If you always play it safe, you dramatically decrease your odds of having luck. Maybe it isn’t so much that you’re unlucky, it’s simply that you’re not standing in the right line to be lucky.

Meaning, by always playing it safe, you have negated your own need to be lucky. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Thus you become unlucky because neutrality inevitably attracts negativity.

If you don’t take advantage of the positive opportunity life offers, karma will make sure gainful opportunities stop coming your way. You are, in effect, negating your own flow of kismet.

Awards of karma show up as blessings, meaning positive, fortuitous experiences. With an unrestricted flow of positive Karma, you can be assured destiny will openly provide a gainful opportunity in every situation you face.

It allows fortune to start delivering things to promote your highest good. You will find that Good fortune and karma will liberate you to gain access to the good life.

The Great Spirit has released fortune and karma to offer you this chance to change your negative flow of karma and break you free from the adverse, unfavorable, and antagonistic cycle that prevents you from being lucky.

This offer comes in the form of a a blessing to Attract lucky breaks, Bring favorable Fortune, and allow you to obtain personal success, expand accomplishments, riches, success, love, wealth, and well-being.

Gain karmic rewards spell.

Blessed be you!



Shiloh Cyrus

I am in service to and a servant of the great spirit. I am a life coach who is willing to here to help you regardless of your background or beliefs.