The Naked Truth

The death of Sacred Speech and its resurrection


“The People called this personal Truth: Debwewin — which literally means “voice of the Heart-of-Hearts.” It is there, in the Heart-of-Hearts, that the individual voices of the Ancestors, the senses, intuition, feelings, and the mind, come together to form one’s personal Truth.”

Tamarack Song

Richard Avedon (1923–2004) — “Nastassja Kinski and the Serpent”

“I know a place where there are no lies; where gossip is just a meaningless word. There, People naturally speak with Respect. The Air is not fouled by cursing, and there is no shame or judgement. The expression of feelings — all feelings — is welcomed. Even anger and fear are regarded as Gifts.

“In this place, one can trust the word of another. Even without a person speaking, you can feel the Truth of her Heart. There are no doctrines, because each person knows her own Truth. Each and every person’s Truth is held sacred; it does not need to be sweetened with humour or masked with doublespeak. Everyone’s Truth may be heard, because listening is cherished as much as talking. They call this, their cherished way of communicating, TruthSpeaking.

