Where I Am vs. Where I Want to Be (There’s a remedy for that.) [Photo: scienceabc.com]

Political Self-Care

Take Responsibility • Everything Is Energy • We Are All Connected • Beliefs Matter • Listen to Inspiration • Be Present • We Are Here for a Reason • The Law of Attraction Is Always On • Intentions Matter

Steven Morrison
Spiritual Workout
Published in
5 min readJun 9, 2021


[Note: This piece is a lift from The Conscious Politics Sunday Newsletter, which I publish every week, linked below.]

It happened to me, too, people! I found my Self in what was a reasonably prolonged state of exhaustion about politics and my place in it. An unwanted and rather unusual circumstance, but there it was. It lasted about five days or so which, for me, is forever because it’s usually no more than a few minutes. In addition to feeling exhausted, I felt subdued. I actually felt more malaise-y than anything specific.

The only difference between me, a conscious politics practitioner, and someone who is not, is that those who are not seem perfectly content to remain in their states of discontent. They say their anxiety or helplessness or fear and the like are, pretty much, just the way things are. Their friends and families feel similarly and it’s just all so normal. I feel politically helpless, but I have a good job and nice place to live so, sigh. Not me!

The only difference between…

