Kafka 3.6.2 릴리즈

Victor Park
Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2024
Kafka Release 3.6.2

Kafka Version 3.6.2 Release

Apache Kafka 3.6.2 버전이 릴리즈되었습니다. (작성시점의 최신 버전은 3.7.0입니다.)


  • [KAFKA-16007] — ZK migrations can be slow for large clusters
  • [KAFKA-16093] — Spurious warnings logged to stderr about empty path annotations and providers not implementing provider interfaces
  • [KAFKA-16210] — Upgrade jose4j to 0.9.4

Bug Fixes

  • [KAFKA-10719] — MirrorMaker2 fails to update its runtime configuration
  • [KAFKA-13988] — Mirrormaker 2 auto.offset.reset=latest not working
  • [KAFKA-15372] — MM2 rolling restart can drop configuration changes silently
  • [KAFKA-15490] — Invalid path provided to the log failure channel upon I/O error when writing broker metadata checkpoint
  • [KAFKA-15689] — KRaftMigrationDriver not logging the skipped event when expected state is wrong
  • [KAFKA-15817] — Avoid reconnecting to the same IP address if multiple addresses are available
  • [KAFKA-16017] — Checkpointed offset is incorrect when task is revived and restoring
  • [KAFKA-16120] — Fix partition reassignment during ZK migration
  • [KAFKA-16126] — Kcontroller dynamic configurations may fail to apply at startup
  • [KAFKA-16171] — Controller failover during ZK migration can prevent metadata updates to ZK brokers
  • [KAFKA-16180] — Full metadata request sometimes fails during zk migration
  • [KAFKA-16216] — Reduce batch size for initial metadata load during ZK migration
  • [KAFKA-16222] — KRaft Migration: desanitize entity name when migrate client quotas
  • [KAFKA-16226] — Java client: Performance regression in Trogdor benchmark with high partition counts
  • [KAFKA-16278] — Missing license for scala related dependencies
  • [KAFKA-16319] — Wrong broker destinations for DeleteRecords requests when more than one topic is involved and the topics/partitions are led by different brokers
  • [KAFKA-16322] — Fix CVE-2023–50572 by updating jline from 3.22.0 to 3.25.1
  • [KAFKA-16347] — Bump ZooKeeper to 3.8.4
  • [KAFKA-16369] — Broker may not shut down when SocketServer fails to bind as Address already in use
  • [KAFKA-16392] — Spurious log warnings: “Ignoring offset partition key with an unexpected format for the second element in the partition key list. Expected type: java.util.Map, actual type: null”
  • [KAFKA-16411] — Correctly migrate default client quota entities in KRaft migration
  • [KAFKA-16428] — Fix bug where config change notification znode may not get created during migration

더 자세한 정보는 아래 Release Notes를 참고하세요.


