Kafka 3.7.1 릴리즈

Victor Park
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2024
Kafka Release 3.7.1

Kafka Version 3.7.1 Release

Apache Kafka 3.7.1 버전이 릴리즈되었습니다.

어떠한 부분이 개선되고 변경되었는지 간단하게 안내해 드릴게요.


  • [KAFKA-15905] — Restarts of MirrorCheckpointTask should not permanently interrupt offset translation
  • [KAFKA-16108] — Backport fix for KAFKA-16093 to 3.7

Bug Fixes

  • [KAFKA-9228] — Reconfigured converters and clients may not be propagated to connector tasks
  • [KAFKA-15170] — CooperativeStickyAssignor cannot adjust assignment correctly
  • [KAFKA-16003] — The znode /config/topics is not updated during KRaft migration in “dual-write” mode
  • [KAFKA-16025] — Streams StateDirectory has orphaned locks after rebalancing, blocking future rebalancing
  • [KAFKA-16047] — Source connector with EOS enabled have some InitProducerId requests timing out, effectively failing all the tasks & the whole connector
  • [KAFKA-16073] — Kafka Tiered Storage: Consumer Fetch Error Due to Delayed localLogStartOffset Update During Segment Deletion
  • [KAFKA-16105] — Reassignment of tiered topics is failing due to RemoteStorageException
  • [KAFKA-16209] — fetchSnapshot might return null if topic is created before v2.8
  • [KAFKA-16217] — Transactional producer stuck in IllegalStateException during close
  • [KAFKA-16222] — KRaft Migration: desanitize entity name when migrate client quotas
  • [KAFKA-16226] — Java client: Performance regression in Trogdor benchmark with high partition counts
  • [KAFKA-16277] — CooperativeStickyAssignor does not spread topics evenly among consumer group
  • [KAFKA-16278] — Missing license for scala related dependencies
  • [KAFKA-16305] — Optimisation in SslTransportLayer:handshakeUnwrap stalls TLS handshake
  • [KAFKA-16319] — Wrong broker destinations for DeleteRecords requests when more than one topic is involved and the topics/partitions are led by different brokers
  • [KAFKA-16322] — Fix CVE-2023–50572 by updating jline from 3.22.0 to 3.25.1
  • [KAFKA-16347] — Bump ZooKeeper to 3.8.4
  • [KAFKA-16359] — kafka-clients-3.7.0.jar published to Maven Central is defective
  • [KAFKA-16369] — Broker may not shut down when SocketServer fails to bind as Address already in use
  • [KAFKA-16371] — Unstable committed offsets after triggering commits where metadata for some partitions are over the limit
  • [KAFKA-16386] — NETWORK_EXCEPTIONs from transaction verification are not translated
  • [KAFKA-16392] — Spurious log warnings: “Ignoring offset partition key with an unexpected format for the second element in the partition key list. Expected type: java.util.Map, actual type: null”
  • [KAFKA-16408] — kafka-get-offsets / GetOffsetShell doesn’t handle — version or — help
  • [KAFKA-16410] — kafka-leader-election / LeaderElectionCommand doesn’t set exit code on error
  • [KAFKA-16411] — Correctly migrate default client quota entities in KRaft migration
  • [KAFKA-16428] — Fix bug where config change notification znode may not get created during migration
  • [KAFKA-16466] — QuorumController is swallowing some exception messages
  • [KAFKA-16471] — SslTransportLayer may leak SSLEngine resources
  • [KAFKA-16473] — KafkaDockerWrapper uses wrong cluster ID when formatting log dir
  • [KAFKA-16511] — Leaking tiered segments
  • [KAFKA-16539] — Can’t update specific broker configs in pre-migration mode
  • [KAFKA-16563] — migration to KRaft hanging after MigrationClientException
  • [KAFKA-16570] — FenceProducers API returns “unexpected error” when successful
  • [KAFKA-16583] — Update from 3.4.0 to 3.7.0 image write failed in Kraft mode
  • [KAFKA-16606] — JBOD support in KRaft does not seem to be gated by the metadata version
  • [KAFKA-16622] — Mirromaker2 first Checkpoint not emitted until consumer group fully catches up once
  • [KAFKA-16692] — InvalidRequestException: ADD_PARTITIONS_TO_TXN with version 4 which is not enabled when upgrading from kafka 3.5 to 3.6
  • [KAFKA-16757] — Fix broker re-registration issues around MV 3.7-IV2
  • [KAFKA-16790] — Calls to RemoteLogManager are made before it is configured
  • [KAFKA-16807] — DescribeLogDirsResponseData#results#topics have unexpected topics having empty partitions
  • [KAFKA-16814] — KRaft broker cannot startup when `partition.metadata` is missing
  • [KAFKA-16837] — Kafka Connect fails on update connector for incorrect previous Config Provider tasks
  • [KAFKA-16838] — Kafka Connect loads old tasks from removed connectors
  • [KAFKA-16886] — KRaft partition reassignment failed after upgrade to 3.7.0
  • [KAFKA-16969] — KRaft unable to upgrade to v3.7.1 and later when multiple log dir is set
  • [KAFKA-16988] — InsufficientResourcesError in ConnectDistributedTest system test

더 자세한 정보는 아래 Release Notes를 참고하세요.


