Self‑Confidence: a Key to Success

Dmitri Lihhatsov
SPLAT | Professional Oral Care
3 min readFeb 18, 2018

A recent psychology study from Ohio State University has found evidence that a person’s career path is influenced by their own level of self‑confidence and, to some extent, the amount of social support they receive along the way.

So, what does it take to believe in yourself and gain support from the people around you? Let’s explore three ideas that can help you become self‑confident.

Firstly, become an optimist.

“The average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser — in case you thought optimism was dead.” Robert Brault

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Optimism is not about putting a grin on your face for the whole day or hoping for the best when a fail is absolutely obvious because you have already done it the wrong way. Instead, optimism is about offering a solution to a problem without getting into a “Why on earth did you do this?” quarrel. Optimism is about careful planning, continuous learning, and knowing that everything will be alright if you put enough effort to it.

Secondly, face your fears and act.

“The pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill

Photo by Alice Achterhof on Unsplash

There’s nothing wrong with doubting yourself from time to time. All great entrepreneurs, inventors and athletes go through such inner battles. The trick is to learn not to freeze in headlights of such doubts and fears. A lot of discoveries in the world were made through trial and error, a lot of successes were reached through persistence and determinedness, every prosperous business has got a story about how it started with overcoming hurdles and making the first step.

Thirdly, surround yourself with positive and smart people.

“I’ve come to understand what your problem is. You are too serious. A serious-minded face is not an indication of intelligence, gentlemen. All stupid things on Earth are done with that kind of face. Keep smiling, gentlemen, keep smiling.” Baron Münchhausen

Photo by Katy Belcher on Unsplash

If you have found yourself to be the smartest in a room with your colleagues, it’s time to move on. Keep looking for various ways to connect to smart successful people, be it conferences, blogs or articles. In addition, keep working on being of interest to other people, too. Always keep learning. A day that has come to an end without you having learned something new is a wasted day.

Finally, here’s a great video, and don’t let any stereotypes influence your self confidence!

“Like a Girl” by Always

First published in February 2015, at



Dmitri Lihhatsov
SPLAT | Professional Oral Care

Entrepreneur, explorer, and dreamer. Runner, swimmer, and cyclist. I love early morning hours, elegance, the synergy of ideas and the relentless execution.