10 Top Players of the Japanese Splatoon Scene — Part 2

Published in
7 min readJan 26, 2019

The following is a translation of a series of articles from Nikkan Sports. You can find the original articles below:

The Splatoon 2 competitive scene is abuzz right now leading up to the 4th Annual Splatoon Koshien Finals, held at the gaming event Tokaigi at Makuhari Messe on January 26th and 27th in Japan. We take a look at the top players of Splatoon 2 in Japan, who have all made major contributions to the scene and its popularity in its home country. These player introductions will be split into two parts. The first part will cover Taiji, Dynamon, Etona, Yamamicchi, and Cross. The second part will cover zatto, Mushiking, Hanjou, Kayotaso, and Rontsu.

First, an introduction to the original writer of these articles, Mochizuki Mochi:

Mochizuki Mochi is a long-time Splatoon player who has received 2nd place at the 1st Koshien and 3rd place at the 2nd Koshien. His team for this year’s 4th Koshien, Anti Pop, claimed an undefeated victory at the Hokuriku Regional Qualifier. The members of Anti Pop are Mochizuki Mochi, zatto, Denchan, and Desulotu5.

[*Note that whenever “I” is used in these articles, it is speaking from the perspective of the original writer, Mochizuki Mochi.]

“The Thinker,” zatto

zatto is a streamer contracted with Shinobism who streams Splatoon 2. He used to be contracted as a pro gamer under DetonatioN Gaming and is a player to watch out for in the eSports scene.

zatto’s strengths lie in his capability to dig out his team’s weak points and make the necessary decisions to cover for them.

I am playing in the same team as zatto for Koshien this year — the team Anti Pop. He has pointed out areas of improvement several times for both the team and for me personally up to this point. He has a remarkable ability to pinpoint “where the problem is, what the problem is, and how to fix it.” Whenever we felt that the team had hit a wall in our growth, zatto would always come to our rescue.

Needless to say, his skill in the game itself is also outstanding. With his main, the Slosher Deco, in hand, he seeks out the plays he needs to make to lead the team to victory, then carries out those plays in the front lines. This skill set has gained him respect from many other players in the scene.

During his time in DetonatioN Gaming, he would also use support weapons such as the N-Zap ’85 and the Splat Brella whenever the team needed it.

Combining strong technical skill and the ability to feel out the best course of action to take in the midst of a game is no easy feat. We can’t take our eyes off of this “thinking player!”

The Natural-Born Leader, Mushiking

Mushiking is a Splatoon 2 streamer. He was the captain of the team who won the 1st Koshien, Ikatama Kids (Bugchan [Mushiking’s other handle], Chotapi, Dynamon, Tamanegi). Right now he is the captain of veteran team Cool&Cool, one of the teams at the forefront of the Splatoon 2 scene. Recently, they received 3rd place at the 4th Koshien Online Qualifiers.

Mushiking’s strengths lie not only in his skill with his main weapons of the Splat Dualies and Splattershots, or with his godly aim with the Inkjet, but also in his qualities as a team leader.

I have played in a team with Mushiking several times in the past, and have received his help just as many times. With his stoic personality, he gives harsh but useful criticism whenever we practice together. During the 2nd Koshien, I couldn’t calm my nerves right before our match. That day, he came up to me several times and encouraged me with the words, “We’ve practiced more than any other team here, we won’t lose.” He would often talk to me about his many exciting thoughts regarding major tournaments for Splatoon.

A team captain who can convey his passion to his team members will increase motivation for the entire team. Drawing people together is an absolutely essential quality for a leader, and Mushiking possesses that in droves. I expect him to be a successful captain of many top teams from now on.

The “Lord” Who Shines on the Big Stage, Hanjou

Hanjou is contracted with UUUM and streams and creates video content for Splatoon 2. He has mained the Splat Rollers since Splatoon 1. As both a top player and a Youtuber, his many fans have lovingly given him the nickname “Lord.”

Hanjou’s strengths lie in his long history using the Splat Roller and his comprehensive understanding of the weapon as a result. The Splat Roller has traditionally been known as a weapon that is strong in close-quarters combat but doesn’t turf well, and performs poorly when turf is not in your team’s favor.

However, even when he doesn’t have turf to work with, Hanjou has the ability to pick the best option in any situation — whether it be picking a fight against an opponent, sharking, or simply retreating. His ability to shark and pinpoint the best timing to pop out is said to be top-class even among the best players.

Another strength of Hanjou’s is his knack for playing well on the big stage. Likely thanks to his many public appearances as a popular Youtuber, the finals of major tournaments are where he puts on his most shining performances. Many players would love the chance to be on a team with him thanks to his charismatic personality.

Lord Hanjou will continue his reign of the Splatoon scene as both a top player and top Youtuber!

The Trendsetter, Kayotaso

Kayotaso is a player who streams and creates video content for Splatoon 2. He has many achievements under his belt such as top placements in the Rank X leaderboards, winning several unofficial tournaments, and winning 1st place in the eSports tournament RAGE Splatoon2 Extreme held in March 2018.

Kayotaso’s strengths lie in his pioneering of new weapons and figuring out new aspects of the game, and in the speed with which he learns all there is to learn about Splatoon 2. He has uploaded videos that paved the way for other players to understand certain aspects of the game — from the Tetra Dualies with their high mobility and 1v1-ing capabilities, to the Tenta Brella as the best tank weapon, and the Fizzy Bomb with its outstanding turfing ability and ink efficiency.

Splat Zones on Shellendorf Institute had been especially difficult for teams to form strategies on, but Kayotaso’s team introduced their double Dapple Dualies comp which led to an impressively high win percentage on that map for them. It’s no exaggeration to say that many trends in the Splatoon scene have their origins in Kayotaso.

Kayotaso’s weapon of choice from early Splatoon 1 was the Sploosh-o-matic. But then one of his team members at the time asked him, “I heard the Zink Mini Splatling is strong, so why don’t you try it out?” This was the catalyst that unlocked his talent for the game. You never know what might change about your Splatoon playstyle, no matter what your history with the game might be.

Always Seeking Fun, Rontsu

Rontsu is a player who streams Splatoon 2. He has won many unofficial tournaments and won the Chugoku regional qualifier for the 4th Splatoon Koshien. But if we’re talking about Rontsu, we can’t ignore his achievements in the ranked battles inside the game itself.

Rontsu’s strengths lie in his thorough knowledge of the Sloshing Machine, which he has mained since Splatoon 1. The stages in the 2nd game have increased obstacles and more uneven terrain, which have indirectly made the Slosher class of weapons much stronger. The Sloshing Machine, which boasts the longest range and highest mobility of its brethren, can handle all sorts of difficult situations depending on the skills of its user.

Rontsu has mastered the ins and outs of this weapon, and has made the fight for 1st place very tough in each mode’s Rank X leaderboard every month. Even among top players, it’s extremely difficult to modify your playstyle to fit each map and mode, yet consistently come out on top despite that.

I’ve had the chance to play on a team with Rontsu in the past. I remember very clearly that he once told me, “If you’re going to play Splatoon, it’s important that you have fun.” Many may think of top players as the type to only play for victory, but keeping the game enjoyable while putting in his earnest efforts has lead to Rontsu being here today.

Let’s all remember to have fun as we play Splatoon!

