You Deserve Someone Who Gets You

And you deserve to get yourself.

Jessica Wildfire


Photo by bruce mars from Pexels

When someone calls you an amateur, you probably shouldn’t go on a date with them. Not even if he sends you an apology text later. Not even if he tells you how pretty you are. No. Not even.

See, you made him nervous. Possibly insecure. So he started throwing out what those pickup artists used to call negs.

Bad sign.

Things like negs don’t usually work at academic conferences. Still, he tries. Waltzes right up after your presentation and starts giving you a bunch of unsolicited feedback. It’s the adult version of pulling a girl’s hair on the playground. Throwing pebbles at her.

Because he thinks she’s cute. Duh.

That’s what he did. Doled out criticisms. Gently mocked your Prezi. Asked if you practiced your presentation in front of a mirror. Says you don’t sound like a professional. You’re too informal. And so on. Finally, he recommends a public speaking class. Does all this in front of a group of professors trying to ask you intelligent questions.

Some meet cute that was. So later you call a mutual friend — the one trying to play matchmaker. You tell her what happened, and she gives her guy friend an earful. Tells him he blew it.

