Booking and Paying for a Space

Spleet Africa
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2019

Easier Living with SPLEET comes with a unique culture of making living simpler. Imagine hustling and bustling in Nigeria, coupled with the traffic situation, as someone who lives or intends on moving to Lagos, one thing that is certain, you are deserving of an easier lifestyle. A lifestyle that takes you closer to embracing a moments of fresh air.

Andrew, a Nigerian with serious Lagos stress issues shares his challenges with Daniel, a Spleeter. Read their conversation below;

Daniel: Good morning Andrew, you are late today again, it’s Monday morning and you look stressed, what’s happening to you?

Andrew: Good Morning my friend, I have been on my way for like 3hrs now.. the traffic just keeps getting worse and tiring…

Daniel: That’s very serious, have you thought of moving closer to the office?

Andrew: Yes I have, but the problem is the stress of getting a good place plus I don’t have time for agents pushing me around, and most importantly it’s very expensive to stay in this part of Lagos.

Daniel: Have you tried SPLEET?

Andrew: What’s that?

Daniel: SPLEET is a housing rental platform that gives premium access to fully furnished apartments and grants flexible payments either Daily, Monthly, quarterly or Bi-annually. You should check them out at

Andrew: Oh really? I am checking it out, It seems really cool.

Daniel: You can book and pay for it once it approved, It’s very easy to use.

Just as SPLEET was able to solve Andrew’s problem, we are always here to make lives easier. Here is a video on how to pay for a booking.

