Splice is looking for freelance writers from across Asia to cover the media industry

The Splice Newsroom is looking for freelance writers from across Asia as part of our plans to cover the region’s media industry. Our mission is to take the lid off the industry to better understand this region’s nuances, challenges and opportunities. This is what we’re trying to do and what we’ve done so far.

We’re looking for stories that help answer questions such as:

What are the most progressive newsrooms in Asia, or in your market?
What are their best practices in audience engagement?
What are the new media business models in your country?
What are new revenue streams that show promise?
Who are the leaders of change in newsrooms?
Who are the upcoming young journalists in this space?
What are the media startups to watch?

In principle, these stories wouldn’t be out of place in esteemed publications such as Nieman Lab or Digiday. We’re also looking for a casual yet incisive voice, similar to content you’d see on sites like Quartz.

Drop me an email with your story pitches, as well as links to your published work. I’m at alansoon@thesplicenewsroom.com.

The guidelines are simple:

  1. Put your suggested headline in the subject line.
  2. Send 2–3 paragraphs explaining how you’ll cover the story.
  3. Send links to your published stories — not attachments.




Alan Soon
The Splice Newsroom: The business of media transformation.

Co-Founder, CEO of The Splice Newsroom. Covering the business of media transformation in Asia.