Legendary Profile — Chain Golem

Chris Roberts
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2020

“The chains that bind those who oppose being ruled,
Will now bind your soul and by chaos be fueled.

So by the great rift cloven into the stars,
I bid ye to wake, and your soul to be ours.”

-incantation of Arius

Chain Golem

Splinter — All Splinters/Mount Mox

Set — Untamed

Class — Legendary Tank

Size — The Chain Golem was built with great care from several of the heaviest metals in the world. He stands about three times the height of a man, and thirty times his weight.

Lifespan — Archmage Arius’s Chain Golem is young; he was only created about six months ago on a historic stormy night in the Untamed Splinterlands. The Archmage had spent several months preparing and assembling the pieces of the Golem from the rarest and most powerful metals. Then on the night of his “birth,” the Archmage performed powerful (and forbidden) chaos magic to bring the Chain Golem to life. This “life” is actually the trapped soul of an ancient warrior named Khan, who after resting peacefully for thousands of years was rudely awakened and imprisoned in a body of chains and gears.

Weapon — The body of the Chain Golem is itself a weapon, but the weapon he carries is one from Archmage Arius’s personal legendary collection: The Morningstar of Tenebra. The morningstar is enchanted to always land with a force much mightier than that with which it was swung. Arius recovered it years ago, before the Splintering, from the Field of Glory, a place where Giants battled with Titans and Dragons for the fate of the Planet. The dreaded weapon has finally found a home in the hands of the Chain Golem, who enjoys the listening to the symphony of destruction that plays when it is swung at an enemy.

Habitat — The Chain Golem was released on the wild side of Mount Mox, where he can still be seen and heard wandering each day. Since he was brought to life using a cruel and unnatural form of chaos soul harvesting, the Golem is cursed to never rest. This means that his gears will never stop turning; until he has accomplished his mission the chaos within will flow.
Diet — The Chain Golem was not built to require food. Still he hungers, but he knows not what for. Even if the metal monster desired to eat, he is not equipped with taste buds or a properly functioning digestive system. The Golem was built for one purpose only: Pure and unmitigated destruction.

Allies — Although it takes his coded mission from Archmage Arius and the Wizards’ Council, the Chain Golem has no friends in the Splinterlands. Deep inside the shell of chains, he remembers a long-gone parade of family and friends, but they were never a part of these Splinterlands. It pains the Golem’s soul to know that he will never love or laugh again. He means to play nicely with the Archmage and accomplish his dark purpose quickly. Then the Chain Golem can finally rest, allowing his soul to fade into oblivion.

Enemies — The Chain Golem has been infused with a single mission: To seek out and destroy the one called Sylus, before he can destroy the Splinterlands. The Wizards’ Council does not believe Sylus has yet arrived in the Splinterlands, but it is only a matter of time before the prodigal Wizard returns, bringing with him the full force of chaos. In the creation of the Chain Golem, chaos magic was used, but Archmage Arius insists that in this case, “only fire can fight fire.”

Pastimes — The Chain Golem cannot eat, sleep or rest. His red, glowing eyes do not blink or close. He wanders the forests and caves, the hidden places of Mount Mox, looking for one of the greatest champions of hiding in the history of the universe. While wandering, the Chain Golem often becomes distracted and fascinated by insects and small animals, which he sometimes follows around for hours. Sometimes he collects creepies and crawlies, considering them companions and allowing them to crawl in and out of his chain links. For a monster of such natural severity, the Chain Golem is surprisingly peaceful when dealing with tiny insects.

