Legendary Profile — Yodin Zaku

Chris Roberts
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2020

Imprisoned for two thousand years of dark,
Awaiting the ignition of a spark.
What sorcery confined, now fate released:
A vengeance-stricken, fire-laden beast
Who now will rock the Splinters to the core.
Yodin Zaku will teach us how to war.

Yodin Zaku

Splinter — Burning Lands

Set — Untamed

Class — Legendary Summoner

Habitat — When he finally emerged in the Unknown from the enchanted chest that held him for the last couple millenia, Yodin Zaku made a personal vow that he would never again allow himself to be imprisoned by walls of any kind. He crossed the mountains, and when he finally found a place to stay, it was in the open fields of the Ashlands. Now he keeps a modest camp there. Zaku has nothing to fear from the wild dogs and simple predators of the Ashlands, and he can only sleep soundly when he can feel the wind on his face.

Size — Yodin Zaku (in his ancient feline form) stands about twice the height of a man, with a mass of well over 100 chickens. In battle, the Belludae used to possess the ability to swell to the size of giants. Few people in the Splinterlands have any memory of the Belludae, and even fewer know that Yodin Zaku has the same legendary skill.

Lifespan — In the times long before the Splintering, there was a proud and warring race called the Belludae, the Demons of War. They typically lived short lives, dying gloriously in some conquest or another. Such was Zaku’s destiny some 2000 years ago, but this destiny was cheated by an ancient sorcerer who trapped him in an enchanted box. His essence was trapped, through the Splintering and the nearly thousand years that followed, until he finally escaped. There are other Belludae trapped in the Unknown of the Burning Lands, Yodin’s brothers and sisters. He will come for them, and together, they all still may die in glorious conquest.

Weapon — With his notorious fists of fire, Zaku needs no weapon, but once upon a time, he had a weapon. It was a mighty ball-and-chain named Julvo that used to sing joyfully through smash and slaughter of Zaku’s enemies. Julvo was cruelly knocked from Yodin’s hand just before he was trapped in the chest on that fateful night; he knows not where it landed nor what became of it. But the connection between Zaku and the legendary weapon is strong. He can feel that some imposter has been wielding it. Julvo draws him near. Soon they will be reunited and the Belludae will have the power needed to make their final march.

Diet — Yodin Zaku’s preferred meals have feathers; he is a cat after all. He makes weekly trips to the markets of Azad to buy a wagon full of chickens. The children of Azad cower in terror when the huge Demon summoner walks into town. When asked why he doesn’t simply raise birds of his own, Zaku replied “they come cheap, and chickens is more trouble than they worth.” He also chases small animals on the open Ashlands, but that is more for enjoyment than food. He rarely eats what he catches, especially with all the mysterious mutations and contagions that have been growing since the Untamed prophecies were discovered.

Allies — Yodin Zaku’s truest friends are still trapped in enchanted items scattered throughout the Unknown of the Burning Lands. They are the ones who fought beside him so long ago in the Thousand Year War, and he will make them free. The Dragons of Mount Mox have been extremely welcoming to Zaku as he entered the arena circle, and he has graciously accepted their generosity. He is a Gloridax dream: Righteous, but perfectly susceptible to gifts, bribes and flattery. Behind closed and guarded doors, the great Suam Khepri even came personally to introduce herself to Zaku at Mount Mox. This is highly irregular. The Suam is usually so paranoid of assassination attempts that she refuses to leave the confines of her palace.

Enemies — During his time trapped in the chest, Yodin’s hatred for the Efreet who imprisoned him only grew. They had been the most recent enemies of his people, and he was disgusted to find that in this future world, they controlled the Fire Splinter under the name of the Torch. The Efreet scum claim acceptance and diversity, then they enslave all who are different than themselves. The Belludae lost the Thousand Year War, and though Yodin may never be able to forgive himself, he may be able to redeem himself.

Work — To make a living in the Burning Lands, Yodin uses his formidable summoning skills in the Mount Mox tournaments. Summoners in the tourneys typically aren’t paid a salary, but gifts and amenities are always heaped by the Gloridax onto those who win. Zake does not have extravagant living tastes, so he simply requested that these amenities be paid out in seed coins.

Pastimes — Yodin Zaku’s favorite activity is running, which he does not only for exercise, but for the great rush of freedom he is able to feel. For all those centuries that he was trapped in a small box, it was the impulse to move that was truly torture. Zaku is not afraid of stillness, but he must also constantly remind himself that he is free to run wild.

