Introducing Splitrock Studio

Alan Downie
2 min readAug 19, 2018


I’m excited to announce the formation of Splitrock Studio. I’d love for you to be involved: just email me at and let’s talk.

Splitrock Studio is a startup studio with the heart of an accelerator. We find smart people, give them resources and help them grow.

Startup studios aren’t a new thing. There are plenty of examples that are alive and working across the world: Expa, Human Ventures and Betaworks to name a few. We’re taking the known and adding a different spin to it. Think Expa and YC, mix in some Alphabet and add a sprinkle of Valve Software. We want to demonstrate that we can test ideas, build products and grow businesses reliably and profitably — and then scale that. We want to create a global shift in how startups are funded. That’s our moonshot.

We believe that creating startups is a definable, repeatable process. Our goal is to create many small, independent teams and help them iterate on a problem space until they’ve found a compelling puzzle to solve. We then give them the support and resources to dive deep, find a solution and get it to market. We don’t throw good money after bad, we see what works and then double-down on that. We’re not looking for the next cool consumer gizmo, we’re looking for profitable products that can scale globally.

Our teams are independent, yet they still benefit from the guidance and support of the organisation ( R&D, hiring, legal, HR, tax, salaries are all taken care of). As an organisation, we work together for the benefit of each other, even though we’re all solving different problems. Importantly, our teams are employees, not self-funded founders. They get a salary, annual leave, unlimited personal leave, 8 weeks parental leave and all the support and growth opportunities that come from working in a larger organisation.

This enables us to create a uniquely inclusive environment where anyone can start (or join) a business — not just those who can afford to take the risk. It is a place where smart people from all backgrounds can participate in the thrill of entrepreneurship without needing to live off ramen and good will. It’s a place where everybody has a voice, has a chance, and has value. It’s a place where everyone takes part in the upside, not just the founders and investors.

In return, we want our teams to live and breathe our values: Service to our customers, responsibility to the community and commitment to each other. We understand that when one of us succeeds, we all succeed.

In the coming months, we’ll be raising money, putting our first teams together, and preparing for launch. If you want to help build this vision, we’d love talk. Get in touch:



Alan Downie

Founder of Splitrock Studio. Previously founder of BugHerd, RightGIF, UsabilityHub and FiveSecondTest