The Splunk Elevator Pitch

What to say when you don’t know what to say.

Vince Sesto
Splunk User Developer Administrator
2 min readFeb 6, 2017


Its got a pretty funny name, but what do you say when someone asks you what Splunk actually is. Its been around for a while but unless you’re actually using the application, there is a lot of confusion as to what Splunk actually is.

For the people I work with or other people that work in the industry its pretty easy to explain what Splunk is and how I use it in my day to day work. Although when it comes to people outside of the industry its another story. Add to this the fact that my first book published in mid 2016 was specifically about Splunk, the first thing people do after they wipe the look of confusion from their face is ask, “so what is Splunk?”

The first few times I was asked this question, well, I struggled to respond. This is when I thought it may come in handy to create a general purpose elevator pitch to try and explain what Splunk is in the simplest terms as possible. So this is my elevator pitch:

“Splunk is a tool that Information Technology professionals use to help them sort through information and data provided by the numerous machines and servers that they need to work with. And allows them to more easily make sense of this data through its ability to search, sort, track, report and alert on these huge pieces of information”

I know. Not very concise and might not be something that I may actually remember the next time someone asks the question. But at least I will have something to refer to and elaborate on next time someone asks me.

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About The Author

Vince has worked with Splunk for over 5 years, developing apps and reporting applications around Splunk, and now works hard to advocate its success. He has worked as a system engineer in big data companies and development departments, where he has regularly supported, built, and developed with Splunk. He has now published his first book via Packt Publishing — Learning Splunk Web Framework.



Vince Sesto
Splunk User Developer Administrator

Vincent Sesto is a DevOps Engineer, Endurance Athlete, Coach and Author. One of his passion’s in life is endurance sports as both an athlete, coach and author.