Take My Breath Away

Edge-play: Choking and breath play in BDSM

Ena Dahl
Where Desire Rules
Published in
9 min readNov 4, 2020



Never before have I started an article with a disclaimer, but this time it’s due: Do not try this at home, especially not alone or with an inexperienced player. Choking and breathplay are potentially hazardous, and, in the absolute worst-case scenario, deadly.

Now that we got that out of the way, I’ll admit; choking to the point where I lose consciousness is an unbelievable, euphoric feeling, unlike much I’ve experienced. It doesn’t take more than seconds of your (experienced) partner pressing firmly on your carotids, looking into your eyes, and commanding you let go, until you dip into Elysium—only to be pulled back, moments later, by the same hands that brought you there—usually via a hard slap in the face.

For a brief time after coming back, your entire body is hypersensitive; each pore is alert, every sensation is heightened, and your body is basically a receptacle for sensual pleasure. At the same time, you’re giddy and giggly; high as a kite, fluttery like a butterfly.

Maybe you already went there in your mind, but I’ll say it nonetheless: Few things feel otherworldly like deep penetration in those moments; when you’re basically a butterfly on ecstasy.

I can hear the skeptics on one hand; why would you ever do that? On the opposite…



Ena Dahl
Where Desire Rules

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.