Why We Love Rope

Riggers and rope models share what Shibari means to them

Ena Dahl
Where Desire Rules
Published in
9 min readDec 27, 2020


Photo: Jay S. Laffat | Rigger: Rope Unleashed | Model: Sonja

When I started writing my article on how I experience being bound and suspended in rope, I was struck by an overwhelming curiosity about what it feels like to be on the other end. Since my experience is mainly as a model, I wanted to better understand what it’s like in their shoes; is it as good for you as it is for me?

Do rope tops feel the same kind of euphoric catharsis as bottoms, or do they have another type of experience entirely?

The answer my rigger sent back to my questions touched me so deeply it inspired me to seek answers from other rope lovers too; what attracts them to Shibari, and how do they experience tying or being tied?

The responses I received were all stunning and unique, yet had many traits in common. Both tops and bottoms speak unanimously about entering a type of rope-space; a mindset where few outside things seem to matter for the duration of the session. The riggers poetically describe feelings of intense focus and of tuning into their models to decipher their needs and wants. Models, on the other hand, overwhelmingly feel comforted and held while given the opportunity to let go.

Everything disappears — all but the model — and a special bond forms



Ena Dahl
Where Desire Rules

Multidisciplinary creatrix; conscious kink & sensuality coach, educator, author, energy worker & rope (s)witch.