Why the world needs a new space for sharing ideas.

Nhlanhla Malakoane
Published in
3 min readDec 17, 2020

The evolution of content creation.

Over the last few years blogging and social media have been the primary recreational tool that have kept a lot of people engaged over the internet. Creating and sharing content is one of the fundamental pillars of existing on in society and online.

We’ve come a long way since the early 90s blogging platforms to the tools we currently have today. One thing that has not changed is: People still want to express themselves and share ideas, opinions, experiences with whoever they want and also consume content they wouldn’t find else where.

Micro-blogging and social media

Micro-blogging and social media have transformed the landscape, and when bigger companies and publishers began posting online, the landscape of content on the internet shifted permanently. Micro-blogging is basically an evolution of the internet blogging / publishing space from long-form blogging (Blogger, Wikipedia, Wordpress, Medium etc) to bite-size, short-form content (Tumblr, Twitter).

However, as much as current micro-blogging tools and platforms have revolutionised how we create, consume and share content, Digital media still has a big fundamental problem: Content creation and consumption (media) is still accessible to a few limited people on the internet.

Why is digital media broken today?

There are 2 main problems with digital media currently:

1. High learning curve

One of the fundamental problems why so many people are under-consumers of digital content is that current platforms are complex and have a higher learning curve for new users. To potential new users, it’s a real challenge. These products are so complicated that, as in a secret society, only insiders know the rituals that unlock its power. Therefor creating barriers to content creation and friction in engagement.

2. Attention & time scarcity

Information overload has made a shift in our attention spans over the last few years. Consumers now have very limited attention spans and time, attention has become a scarce commodity. This has made so much impact on consumer behaviour, since our average attention span is now 8 seconds and has become less than that of a Goldfish. Current content formats have become overwhelming to people, especially younger audiences.

The future of Digital Media.

Spoink pre-launch campaign

It’s been a few years now, working on building Spoink to fundamentally solve these challenges. We truly believe we are pioneering the next-frontier of content publishing on the internet, Using a much shorter format we’ll call “Nano-blogging”.

The novelty with this platform will be the idea of limiting consumers to write up to 6 words or less per “blog post”. This works well for the younger generation with shorter-attention spans. It also fosters clarity in self-expression, stimulates originality and creativity in how you use the constraints to share your ideas or story much faster.

We aim to provide a simple, user-friendly and faster media experience, this will result in lower to no barriers to content creation, thus empowering everyone to share their ideas and stories. Our easy on-boarding, shorter content format and user-friendly product experience make a unique value proposition.

We are looking forward to start on-boarding early users to our beta product(desktop web) soon.

Sign up for early access.

Thank you,

Nhlanhla Malakoane,

Co-founder, CEO & Head of Product



Nhlanhla Malakoane
Editor for

Co-Founder, CEO & Head of Product @Spoink_Mobile — Basically a genius…