New York Code + Design Academy Visits

Washington, DC — July 7th 2017

Spoke Team
2 min readOct 30, 2017


The New York Code + Design Academy paid Spoke a visit to chat about the future of creative branding.

We’re ‘building the ship as we sail’ and constantly on the lookout for talented individuals to join our growing team. As a young company, we see this as one of our highest priorities because the recruitment process is the crux of any business foundation. The people that we bring on board today will be tasked with nurturing relationships that form the backbone of Spoke as an agency.

To that end, we were ecstatic when Manny Perez, Community Manager of the DC chapter of the New York Code + Design Academy, reached out to us. Last week we hosted Manny and a small cohort of development students from DC’s NYCDA at our office for spicy curry and a group discussion on what we look for in future development candidates, where we see the industry going at large, and how we see Spoke fitting into the evolution of our industry.

We are always on the lookout for new talent, which is why when an old friend reached out about the NYCD Academy coming to visit us at Spoke HQ, we jumped at the opportunity to have rising talent in our office. NYCDA is home to a program that helps professionals in other fields learn different types of code throughout a ten-week fully immersive program. As a startup, we are still learning the ins and outs of company development. It was exciting to hear from students going through a parallel learning process.

As Vince explained during the meeting, “We don’t sell — we just talk. Because our business is about building strong relationships.” This approach to client development is also the grounding for our recruitment process. The Spoke brand is only as smart and efficient as the team behind it.

If you are an aspiring developer, we highly recommend NYCDA’s program and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions. We’d love to grab coffee and chat. Sam likes it black, but you’re free to foam-and-chocolate-shavings it up.



Spoke Team

A creative agency bonded to relationships and craftsmanship. This is our team account for posting to the Spoke publication.