Suicide Prevention Association Hires for National Campaign

Washington, DC — September 11th 2017

Spoke Team
1 min readOct 30, 2017


The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) has partnered with Spoke to brand their engagement efforts in September’s National Suicide Prevention Week (NSPW) campaign.

Historically, AAS has acted as a repository for facts, statistics, and best-practice resources surrounding suicide prevention. This year, they are looking to push themselves to be a more active member of the prevention conversation. To that end, they have hired Spoke to brand their campaign efforts with the launch of an NSPW microsite and the design of a series of infographics and social media assets.

“Preventing suicide is all about strong communication. Our partnership with the Spoke team will not only reinforce this practice of communication, but improve upon our relationships with the AAS community through well-crafted infographics and a telling narrative woven throughout campaign materials,” said Colleen Creighton, AAS Executive Director.

The week of the campaign is September 10–16th, 2017.

About AAS

The American Association of Suicidology (AAS) is a pioneer in suicide prevention and provides the highest quality suicide prevention and intervention to the public. AAS develops and disseminates cutting-edge research and information about suicidal behaviors, and champions the application of strategies that reduce suicidal behaviors. AAS has been instrumental in advancing Suicidology as a science, and in expanding scholarly work in this developing field.



Spoke Team

A creative agency bonded to relationships and craftsmanship. This is our team account for posting to the Spoke publication.