Real estate landing pages for lead generation, explained

Claire McHardy
Published in
4 min readNov 5, 2019

“Why should I use Spoke’s landing pages?”

Good question. The short answer is because Spoke landing pages increase your chances of turning a web visitor into a real, tangible lead. Essentially, their purpose is to help you create more interest in a listing (and prove it to your vendors). Our designers created them for that specific purpose — and we’ve proved it works.

Read on for the long answer…

You want traffic on your website, right?

Of course you do! More traffic = more brand visibility.

Web traffic also gives you an indication of how your website is performing, by tracking all the things a potential buyer does on your website, and provides a mechanism for retargeting potential buyers until they hand over their contact details. This is the crux.

The problem is, not many agencies use Google Analytics, Google Ads tags, Facebook pixels and other tools to do it. It is quite fiddly, after all.

So, we’ve brought you Spoke landing pages!

Rewind, what’s a ‘landing page’?

A landing page is a web page that allows you to capture a visitor’s information through a lead capture form. It’s focused on an objective that matches the intent of the ad that your visitors clicked on to reach that page.

A good landing page will target a particular audience (e.g. investor buyers) and be focussed on encouraging a specific action (e.g. calling you).

So, why a Spoke landing page? We’ll give you three good reasons.

1. Carefully designed to drive leads

And not just any kind of leads. Spoke landing pages are designed to drive the kind of leads you want for a particular listing.

You choose from three different landing page objectives depending on the listing, current market conditions and your capacity to follow up: get maximum leads, get qualified leads and get more phone calls.

We’ve made subtle design tweaks based on those objectives and tested different landing page designs against each other to make sure our designs are your best bet at driving enquiry. For example, if you want to get more phone calls, your phone number will appear on the landing page where it’s most likely to be clicked. Read about the differences in our feature release.

2. Lightning fast

Irrespective of which objective you choose, every Spoke landing page is built with a mobile-first approach and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) technology.

It’s simple: the faster your landing page loads, the faster a potential buyer (or seller) can view it. A second doesn’t sound like a long time, but it could just be the difference between the buyer that’s willing to offer the most seeing your listing, or not. After all, 57 percent of people will abandon a site if it takes more than three seconds to load.

When you’re trying to generate competition between as many different buyers as possible, that’s a pretty big deal.

3. Come with tracking codes

This is the fiddly bit.

There’s a bunch of things a potential buyer might do when looking at a listing that aren’t submitting an enquiry. They might download the photo gallery, click your phone number (but not go through with the call), or add an inspection or auction time to their calendar.

How do you show your vendors that buyers are doing all of these things (and that you’ve generated interest in their listing, as a result)? How do you report on whether the landing page was successful and a good use of their VPA spend? With tracking technology, that’s how.

Spoke landing pages are built with tracking technology — you don’t have to do anything. So, when you direct a Spoke campaign to a Spoke landing page (rather than your own website) your Vendor Report will explain exactly what prospective buyers have done on that page.

If you wanted to track these actions without a Spoke landing page, you’d need to:

  • install at least one Google pixel to the listing page on your website
  • set up different UTMs (tracking codes) for each action
  • use Google Tag Manager to keep track of them all
  • regularly analyse your web traffic through Google Analytics
  • manually produce a report for your vendors, so you can show your vendors the outcome of their VPA spend

… see what we mean about ‘fiddly’? Digital marketing is a full time job.

The proof is in the pudding. Using a Spoke landing page, many agents have generated multiple buyer enquiries, and some have even sold properties from a Spoke campaign for as low as $150! And they didn’t need a degree in digital marketing to do it.

Start your first Spoke campaign today!

