Spoke — announcing ad retargeting feature

Konrad Kaczmarczyk
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2018

With this new feature release, Spoke can put more, different ads in front of potential buyers and sellers who have:

  • visited your website
  • clicked, liked or taken some other action on one of your ads — whether that’s on Facebook, Instagram or elsewhere on the web
  • liked, commented or shared one of your social media posts

We’re pretty excited about this feature — it helps squeeze the absolute most out of your marketing spend, and ensure your listings, agent or agency stays front of mind. After all, people don’t just decide to buy or sell a house overnight. Far from it. The decision to sell takes nearly five months, and buying is about the same.

The way retargeting works is a bit complicated. It involves putting a small bit of code on your website (called a pixel), which drops a thing called a cookie into your web visitors’ browsers. This helps your ads to follow them around the web and social media, and bring them back to your website. But you don’t need to worry about that — because Spoke takes care of it all for you!

Still, if you want to know more about retargeting, have a read of our handy little explainer.

How to retarget in Spoke

There’s no complicated set-up process. You literally don’t have to do anything.

Next time you set up a campaign in Spoke and edit your audience, you’ll notice a new Your retargeting options section.

We’ve created two retargeting audiences:

  1. Your web traffic
  2. Ad and post engagement on Facebook and Instagram

Retargeting your web traffic means that people who have visited your website in the last 90 days will start to see more of your ads across the Google Display Network. It’s important because your audience actually spends more time browsing the net than they do on social media.

Sure, your average Joe spends around 100 minutes on social media every day — but this pales in comparison to time on the web, which is a whopping 5 and a half hours. If you’re only retargeting across social media, you’re missing your target audience 70% of the time.

However, retargeting people who have engaged with your ads or posts on social media is still very important because it’s where people interact with your ads. Spoke will display the ads within your current campaigns to social media users who have clicked on your photos, liked your posts or interacted with your social profiles in some way — as well as people who have interacted with past ad campaigns.

Both boxes will be ticked by default — because why wouldn’t you want to target everyone who has shown interest in what you’re advertising?

Plus, retargeting both your web traffic and those people who have engaged with your social media profile helps you establish an all-encompassing digital presence. Not sure what we mean by that? Allow us to paint a picture (or three)…

What retargeting looks like

Let’s say you send an e-newsletter (containing a link to your most recent listing) out to all the buyers in your database. Tom opens the email, clicks on the listing, and gets taken to your website. He came to one of your open homes last week — but he’s not quite ready to buy. Yet.

Fast forward three months, and Tom’s scrolling through Instagram when he sees an ad for another one of your listings. By this time, he’s had a chance to meet with a mortgage broker, organise finance, and tell his landlord that he won’t be resigning his lease. He’s ready to buy — and, thanks to Spoke, he’s seeing your listings wherever he goes online. Without you having to lift a finger.

And then there’s Sally, who clicked on one of your listing ads on Gumtree. She actually made an offer on that property — but was beaten by another buyer. She’ll start seeing ads for similar listings across Instagram, Facebook and the other websites she browses.

But remember, Spoke isn’t just great for advertising your listings — it can also advertise your agents and your agency.

If Mark likes one of your Facebook photos, he’ll start to see your Facebook ads. When he clicks one, he’ll start to see your ads when he’s reading the Sydney Morning Herald on the train to work, or on 9now when he’s catching up on The Footy Show.

All of this helps to keep your listing, yourself or your agency front of mind until they’re ready to take the next step. Pretty neat, right?

