“Belly to Belly”

David Cooper
Spoken Word Corporate
1 min readSep 30, 2023

A seasoned sales person once told me that working in Sales, you are paid to stress.

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

Another sales veteran told me that to be successful in sales, you need the 3-T’s - Timing, Talent, and Territory.

And a third sales person told me to run for the hills.

The point is, there is only so much you can control as a sales person. This means you will sometimes feel stressed, helpless, and frustrated.

But, one thing you can actually control is your Sales Activity. Meeting with customers in person, belly to belly, is perhaps your most powerful tool you toolbox.

Here are a couple reasons why:

  1. Customers get to know you on an deeper, more inter-personal level. They don’t just view you as a face on a screen anymore.
  2. When you meet in person, there is more down time to chat. The conversations before and after a meeting are often very rewarding.
  3. It’s flattering. It’s not easy to visit customers in person. It show’s them you care.

So, focus on what you can control and get belly to belly with your customers.

