How to write and deliver a remarkable Spoken Word piece

Antwan Little
Spoken Word
Published in
4 min readJun 26, 2013


This guide will show you the steps to write and perform poetry like a Spoken Word artist. You will learn how perform a spoken word piece,which is a written poem meant to performed and read aloud. Once you get trained in the poetic art ofspoken word you can go out and participate in local open mics all around thecity.

Difficulty: intermediate

Time Required:

1. Brainstormthemes and topics. Before you begin to write you have to find aninteresting topic for your spoken word piece. You can write about anything thatinterest you, or topics that deal with an issue in society. For instance, Iwrote a poem that expressed my love for my mother for her birthday.

2. Researchyour topic. Once you have chosen a topic then you have to search forinformation that can add to your personal opinion. Depending on the piece youwould like to write, research will be an essential part of writing. If it is apiece that deals with mostly your opinion there will not be a lot of researchnecessary. However, if the piece details a factual event or person, research isessential to portraying that event or person accurately. You can researchthrough reading, conversation, or even an interview.

3. Thinkabout the message you would like to convey. After gathering information,you have to determine what message you would like to express to your audience.You can decide to take several routes when determining your message. Spokenword artist can inspire, humor, or raise awareness. It’s up to you to definethe purpose of your piece.

4. Begin towrite. After you have determined the purpose and have done the properresearch, you can begin to write your poem. You should free write, by jottingdown anything that comes to mind about your topic. When you free-write it givesyou an outline of things you can include in your poem. You have to think about the elements youwould like to use in your poem to increase the poetic value. Many spoken wordartist use imagery, rhyme, alliteration, and metaphors to give the audience avivid account of the poem. The way you write down a poem will not always be thefinal draft. You may have to reorganize your work to make it flow.

5. Memorizeyour poem. A spoken word artist has to get comfortable with the breaks,rhyme scheme and wording. The best way to do that is by remembering your poem.Spoken word is meant to be performed and an artist has to verbally express thepiece to an audience. Spoken word has alot to do with confidence, and when you are performing that audience is lookingfor it. You have to know and be confident in yourself to deliver an appealingperformance.

6. Practicethe performance. After you have memorizedyour piece it is important to think about how you want to say it. In poetry,there is a structure that determines the presentation of a poem. In spoken wordthe presentation involves performanceand the literary devices you choose to utilize. You have to make sure that you know every word, break, rhyme, and pauseto fully master the art of delivery. Spoken word artist use their pauses tocaptivate the audience and make the piece more dramatic. You have to alsoconsider the facial expressions and body language you will use in theperformance. All of these components will make up your performance.

7. Deliveryour spoken word piece. You have to pace yourself and make sure that you donot rush the poem. Use all of the lessons from practicing. Make sure that youremember the words, and use pauses and other dramatic tools to mesmerize theaudience. Be confident. You have to believe in yourself and your poem.

8. Practice,practice, practice. Continue topractice your craft. You can perform your spoken word piece with friends andfamily. You can look and the mirror and recite it to see what the audience willsee. Practice it as you are walking around the house or to school. People mightthink you are talking to yourself but you are familiarizing yourself with thepoem. Any opportunity you get to share, take advantage of it.

9. Find alocal open mic. When you are confident that you are ready to perform infront of a crowd, find a local open mic. Open mic nights are events that allowlocal artist, poets, and musicians to share their work with an audience. Openmics are held in community centers, churches, restaurants, and schools. The onlything left to do is to get on that stage and deliver a captivating piece withstyle and confidence.

10. Continueto perform. To fully master the art of spoken word,take any opportunity to perform.


1. Take your time

2. Memorize

3. Be confident

4. Share with family and friends

What You Need:

· Theme or Topic

· Purpose

· Paper

· Pen

· Confidence



Antwan Little
Spoken Word

I wear a crown mentally. SDK the Poet, writer, performer, and Twit