Spona Speaks Episode — Paid in Full

Garry Mendez for Spona


Talking Payment Processing With Bluezone’s Josh Mimoun

When starting a business, entrepreneurs are often told to consider all kinds of things from competitive advantages to pricing to customer service, etc. But many of them don’t give getting paid a second thought. They just sign up for the first service that offers them a way to accept payments.

Cut to years down the road and many entrepreneurs are wasting money on every transaction because they don’t have an efficient way to get paid. It may seem like a small thing to be giving up a half of a percentage point extra on every transaction but it adds up.

In this episode, Spona Speaks with Josh Mimoun, founder of the payment processing company, Bluezone. Josh challenges business owners to consider how they get paid and to see whether they’re being as efficient as they can be. Bluezone works with a range of providers and partners to help businesses take payments more efficiently and manage their entire operation more effectively.

If you’re wondering whether your company could run more efficiently, this episode is for you. You’ll hear about how Bluezone works and the many ways they’ve helped businesses improve their bottom lines.

