New analytics make it easier for brands to collaborate with Snapchat creators

Published in
2 min readFeb 16, 2018

Snapchat is finally catching up with other popular social media platforms in its attitude towards helping to facilitate branded content.

The latest update of ‘insights’ for official story creators, that is creators who have amassed large followings, is making it easier for branded content collaborations.

Previously brands had to rely on a screenshot showing simply daily story view counts to establish the return on investment of a collaboration, but the new in-app analytics give a much fuller picture of creators’ worth and the buildup of their audience.

Among the new analytics are total story views in various time scales including week, month and year, as well as time spent viewing stories in minutes over the same breakdown.

Being able to see the views the creator pulls in will give brands a greater understanding when selecting a creator whether they can deliver the results planned for the collaboration and in reaching an appropriate price point with the creator you are working with.

Another feature enables creators to share how many unique views a daily story got, along with the average time unique viewers spent watching a story and the completion rate on stories.

This will help brands better measure the return on investment of an individual content collaboration.

Other new data now available in the app includes audience demographics, such as, gender of people watching, viewers age and region they are coming from. It will also show the audience’s interests, including which lifestyle categories they care about, for example, food or fashion.

These features will also help brands pinpoint a creator to work with by enabling better audience matching to target customer demographics making for a more effective and efficient campaign.

The analytics now available to tens of thousands of official story creators come as part of a Snapchat redesign, which also promotes Snapchat stars to viewers who are not already following them helping big name creators to further grow their fan base.

Snapchat’s redesign includes features to help brands better collaborate with the platform’s influencers, the new in-app insights make it easier for brands to find the best fitting creator for their plan and measure their return on investment from branded content.

For more of the latest trends and creators exploding social media, check out the Sponsokit website — updated daily!

