Indian Farmer Story: Agriculture Land is Everything

Sponsor A Farmer — FarmGuide
2 min readDec 12, 2017

Here is a heart draining answer a farmer gave us when asked, how important is your LAND to you?

“To a common man, land is just a place where we work. But for a farmer like me, its much more than that.

L — Life
A — Ambition
N — Native
D — Determination

So the moment I lose my land, I lose my life, my ambition, my native and my determination.
In short words, I lose everything.”

Land is the farmer’s biggest strength. Plenty of reasons exist behind the scenes in farming, that make a farmer quit his profession and chose death over life. Witnessing an evergreen farm turn into a barren land is the most dreadful situation in a farmer’s life.

But the bitter truth is, there are plenty of farmers who have experienced that dreadful situation.

Farmers are not educated enough to understand the nature of their own soil. They only know how to raise a crop and are unaware of how to raise an effective crop. They are afraid to make any changes to their land, the kind of seeds and fertilizers they use, and to the methods of farming they prefer due to lack of financial support and appropriate guidance.

FarmGuide — Farmer says his farm is everything to him.

Farmers from different villages openly accept that they are ready to implement any changes that would benefit their farm. So it is pretty clear that the problem does not lie with the farmers. A medium needs to be created where farmers can be educated about their farms.

We want FarmGuide to be that medium. A medium that not only educates the farmers with information services but also lets common people realize the stress and hardships faced by farmers.

Story_Of_My_Farm is one of our similar efforts to become the voice of the farmers. SOMF narrates the stories of different farmers and suggests innovative methods to improve the condition of Indian agriculture.

FarmGuide — The Voice of Farmer


This story was originally published in the official FarmGuide blog on 12th December, 2017.

