Let’s Save the World

Centre for Civil Society
Spontaneous Order
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2015

At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. So old school.

The world is full of people and India contributes a large proportion of the population. This population is diverse, people act upon their own self-interest, have their own minds, their own goals to achieve and different motives and interest. This means there is just chaos, and therefore a need to control human action. Steven Horowitz puts it well in this article on The Freeman: “planning connects people by a shared set of ends. Inevitably, this will lead to hierarchy and militarization, because those ends require trying to force people to behave in ways that contribute to the ends’ realization. Government will have to use propaganda to convince people that these ‘ends’ are worth pursuing.” But then when you have power you can control almost everything (in some case the almighty as well).

Now I don’t have power (I just have a name which sounds like that of a Dictator) but I have (self-proclaimed) wisdom so I must impart some to you, how to make a Perfect India.

Since we have already established the fact that this country is too big with varied kind of people, the first thing we must do is to ensure everyone has similar mentality. I have close to 1500 friends on Facebook and few other friends have over 3000 friends. With their support I am going to create a political party, Prime Motive to Save Party (in short PMS Party). We need to save our country from Pashchatya Sanskriti (Western Civilsation) and other invasion. Hence with these good intention PMS Party will have following few agenda points and will ensure that everyone follows these.

Follow the Same Religion
Mahatma Gandhi once said “The essence of all religions is one. Only their approaches are different”. So if the essence is one why not just have one religion only. I mean it doesn’t makes any sense to have so many approaches which creates a delusion and creates a constant fight as to which is better or superior. The role of any leader is to make things simple and easy for people to follow. This will also help us ensure similar behavior and beliefs of people in almost everything. This conversion will come under Ghar Aaja Pardesi Plan (Home Coming Plan).

Similar Food and Eating Pattern
Since we already have enforced the Home Coming Scheme, this should not be any problem. We will ensure that people eat only vegetables, under Satvik Bhojan Plan. After all vegetarian food is nutritious and doesn’t hurt the “eco-system”. This particular plan will be enforced strictly and without fail. People might object in the name of freedom to eat whatever they want. But isn’t it better if there is someone who can tell you what to eat and what not, in your best interest? This Satvik Bhojan Plan will also ensure to not give fried, over cooked, polluted and corrupted food, anything with secret message (MSG) in it or anything which is not healthy.

Everyone, be it men but especially women and kids, all will wear clothes which covers them from top to bottom. This has manifold benefits, will ensure that our Maa, Bahu and Betiyan (every other woman) remain safe and sound, there won’t be any rape, since research suggests it is because of inappropriate clothes that women get raped. This move will also restore our faith in Indian Culture. We want women to preserve Sharam and Haya.

Mind Your Language
We must protect religion and culture from any attack, even through force. We will strictly enforce the limits on freedom of expression. The Constitution gives you the Freedom of Expression under Article 19, but people have this habit of misusing the same. We will enforce a partial code of conduct where one must talk, show or write in a certain way prescribed by our party. People are free to say everything, “but”…(what Amit Varma would call a “Kim Kardashian” Policy). Any act against the plans mentioned above will result in BAN of the act forever and the person who commits this crime will go to jail. But of course there will be few groups of people who have privileges to flout these, based on of the discretion of the PMS Party.

Lastly, since we must take care of all our brethren, we will have Universal Reservation.

Universal Reservation
In my Political Raj, everyone will get some sort of reservation, be it caste minority or income minority. Some will get direct cash benefits while others will get education benefits. After all we need to make sure that everyone in the country is on equal footing with the world. This might mean that we will take shares from those who are well off and distribute to everyone, but then this is a good cause.

Universal Income and Tax
Following the great philosopher’s idea, the income of labour who produce so much and build the nation must be equal to the factory owners. Everyone must earn the same, it doesn’t matter their contribution. Anyone going against this plan will be booked and punished under One Income, Different Rank Plan.

I think I have said enough. I think we will win the elections as rightly pointed out by the great Hitler “What good fortune for governments that the people do not think”.

To add your agendas as well in our action point please give a miss call and text on 420 9 2 11, because we are going to be Populist Party.

Vote for PMS Party: We feel the pain, we are here to save.



Centre for Civil Society
Spontaneous Order

Centre for Civil Society advances social change through public policy. Our work in #education, #livelihood & #policy training promotes #choice & accountability.