Spooky Pets 003: BeagleMania

Seth Shellhouse
Spooky Pets
Published in
3 min readSep 6, 2022

Hello once again from team Spooky Pets!

This week, our community chose to make a $1000 donation to Kindness Ranch in Wyoming. Kindness Ranch is a very special animal rescue focused on receiving and rehabilitating former lab animals and preparing them for their new lives as pets and companions.


From their site: “Cats and dogs at The Kindness Ranch live with their human caretakers in spacious yurts specially designed to meet their needs. They receive round-the-clock care to help them adjust to their new lives.”

Kindness Ranch also rescues farm and domestic animals who they either prepare for adoption, or allow to live on the 1000-acre ranch for the rest of their lives.

If you’re familiar with Spooky Pets, you know that we’ve been closely following the Humane Society’s rescue of 4000 beagles from the Envigo breeding facility in Virginia, which breeds animas to be distributed for lab testing, and have been looking for the right opportunity to contribute. The beagles were removed in July, following a DOJ order and all of them have now been transferred to rescues around the country.

From what we can gather, Kindness Ranch initially received about thirty of the Envigo beagles and will be receiving more of them in batches throughout the year. When this operation is complete, Kindness Ranch will have rehabbed about 150 beagles. It’s worth noting. that rescuing an animal from a commercial breeding facility entails an entirely unique set of challenges. These beagles, for instance, have been caged their entire lives, have minimal dog socialization and absolutely no human socialization. They haven’t really been outside, aren’t house/leash/obedience trained and have no experience with normal everyday household or outdoor items and stimuli. From the looks of things, however, Kindness Ranch is doing a great job with them, and several of them are already adoptable!

“Uno” via Kindness Ranch Instagram

If you’d like to learn more, click any of the plethora of links throughout this post, and follow the Envigo dogs’ journey across social via The Humane Society, Kindness Ranch, and the many other rescue partners working together in this monumental effort.

“Tyler” via Kindness Ranch Instagram

As always, we‘re linking this blog to a Spooky Pet auction on Crypto.com/NFT. We will donate a portion of proceeds (all earnings over $50 minus transaction fees) from the auction directly to Kindness Ranch to make sure that the beagles and other research industry rescues get the care and training necessay to live their best lives. If you purchase or win a Spooky Pet, you will be automatically authed into the Spooky Pets community and will get voting rights, access to member perks, and the weekly Spooky Pet newsletter, where we update members on the progress of the project and our previous featured animals.

This week, we’re auctioning Spooky Pet #0101 to raise additional funds for the Envigo beagles. We’ve named 0101 “Uno” after the first Envigo beagle pulled by Kindness Ranch! The auction will end on Friday September 9th.

Even if you don’t win the auction, there are still plenty of Spooky Pets available on Crypto.com! Adopt yours today and join the team. 10% of every initial sale will be deposited directly in the Spooky Pets philanthropic treasury. To learn more, visit us on the web, Twitter, or the gram. If you represent a rescue organization and would like to pitch the community for a future feature, please email: spookypets@brovemberrain.com

