7 Contactless Solutions for a Seamless Reopening of Your Restaurant Post-COVID

Tanishq Agarwal
Spoon and Seed Co
Published in
6 min readSep 16, 2020

As the US prepares to reopen, restaurants are at the center of attention to the new reality. More than 50% of states have already opened up, and soon enough, all restaurants will be opening their doors for patrons to start dining again.

According to data from Aaron Allen & Associates, a global restaurant consulting firm, publicly-traded restaurants in the US lost $152 billion from February 10 — March 2. Restaurants are now relieved about the fact that they can reset their operations.

On the one hand, customers are happy that their favorite restaurants have reopened or slated to reopen, and Google Trends vouch for it. But, at the same time, they are apprehensive about safety and hygiene practices carried out by the restaurants.

Recently, the National Restaurant Association and US Food released detailed guidelines on how restaurants should take necessary steps to serve their customers safely and efficiently to curb the infection’s spread. The terms touch-less or contactless operations were the main highlight of the report.

Curry Up in Oakland, California Restaurant in Texas, and Joey Group of Restaurants have switched to contactless operations. Going contactless can help restaurants and customers avoid coming in contact with other patrons and wait staff, thus helping curb the virus’s spread.

7 contactless solutions for restaurants to implement for seamless operations post-COVID

#1 Shift delivery services to contactless

Approximately 75% of Americans are now living under stay-at-home orders due to COVID-19, which has seen a spike in Google searches such as “Is it safe to order food?” and “Is it safe to eat takeout during COVID?”

Considering this, it is safe to switch to contactless delivery in favor of in-person delivery. Several restaurants like Burger King, Jersey Mike’s Subs, and several other restaurants provide contactless delivery.

Customers can either use a food delivery service or the restaurant app to place an order. The delivery executive then picks it up, places the order on a clean surface outside the customer’s address, rings the bell, and leaves.

Restaurants can also explain the safety measures they carry via their website or app to assure their customers.

#2 Incorporate contactless menu and eliminate paper menus

About 38% of people are worried about touching things that others have already touched. COVID-19 transmits instantaneously via surfaces, and the virus can stay on a surface for up to 72 hours.

Paper menus will be a hotbed for the virus to manifest. Ergo, switch to contactless solutions such as QR Codes to view the menu and adhere to safety guidelines.

A QR Code menu is a tailored solution for restaurants that can serve as the primary tool to view the entire menu, highlight specialties of the day or season, and even alert the incoming order’s kitchen staff.

Restaurants can make a QR Code menu by uploading a PDF or an image that contains their menu.

Gloria’s Latin Cuisine, Marriott, Hyatt and Hilton have switched to QR Code menus to provide their guests access to its dinner, lunch, brunch, and drinks menus.

#3 Enable digital reservations

Most restaurants have a dedicated page to the reservation of tables to their patrons because they cannot permit more than 50%.

With social distancing rules still in place, it is only wise to avoid at-restaurant reservations so people do not have to wait a long time to be seated and unnecessarily waste their time.

To avoid this, enable digital reservations either via the website page via their app. For patrons who visit the restaurant, instruct the hostess to inform them of the updated reservation policy.

Digital reservations can avoid people flocking at the front of the restaurants and alert the customer via an SMS or a notification when a table is ready.

For reservations, allow customers to choose a table of their choice to avoid interaction for a long time with the hostess using the restaurant’s reservation page.

Equip the hostess area with sanitizers and single-use masks for customers, in case they enter the restaurant without wearing them.

#4 Forbid valet parking

Valet parking is an offering most types of restaurants provide to help their customers. With social distancing rules in place post-COVID, allowing valet parking might activate the spread of the virus.

As a result, restaurants are sticking to avoid valet parking to avoid the spread of the virus. There are one too many practices to follow, such as sanitizing the door handle, steering wheel, seats, and equipment close to the driver’s seat, which might still not guarantee the safety of the customer or the driver.

Plus, even if valet parking drivers are equipped with masks and gloves to assist customers, they have to be replaced after every use, which poses a problem. Thus, restaurants have mandated customers to park their vehicles on their own surrounding the restaurant to avoid such circumstances.

Restaurants can provide a roadmap to their customers to assist them in an empty parking spot via their app to park their vehicles without any hassle.

#5 Say yes to contactless payment

Contactless payment via NFC and QR Codes have primarily been on the rise since the last couple of years. But ever since the onset of the pandemic, the usage of contactless payments have soared.

Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and Venmo are some of the hosts that provide contactless payment.

Leverage contactless payment to complete the transaction of an order placed. Place a card that encourages contactless payment on tables so customers can scan or tap to finish the payment.

Contactless payment is seamless, hassle-free, and adheres to safety guidelines.

#6 Collect hygiene ratings and feedback using zero-touch tools

Consumers demand more transparency regarding the safety and hygiene practices carried out by restaurants to visit them.

According to Jim Osborne, Senior Vice President of Customer Strategy and Innovation at US Foods, “Preparing to reopen a restaurant in the face of a changing pandemic can be complex and challenging.”

Restaurants will have to implement social distancing rules and modify the layout of their spaces with limited employees at a time. Customer-facing industries such as restaurants rely heavily on reviews and feedback.

Given the current situation, reviews and feedback are of utmost importance for restaurants to continue functioning. Encourage customers to leave behind a review and give them a discount or a freebie to encourage it.

Make use of contactless tools like NFC tags or through the restaurant app, so customers do not have to type in the URL letter by letter.

Restaurants that are more transparent with their safety guidelines and those that help customers feel safe are the ones that will eventually emerge as winners.

#7 Offer curbside takeaway

Several restaurants have upended their business models to pivot to off-premise services. Reinvention on the go has been the theme with some chains creating makeshift drive-thrus, in-house delivery, curbside pickup, and walk-up windows.

Market research shows that brands offering curbside contactless pickup will have an advantage as lockdown regulations are lifted across the country.

Restaurant chains facilitating curbside pickups are Pizza Hut, Taco Bell, Shake Shack, Panera Bread, and Starbucks to name a few.

Encourage customers to place an order using the app or via the website to alert the incoming order staff. Keep track of the order and put it on a clean surface for the customer to pick it up quickly when they arrive at the curbside pickup location.

According to a survey released by AlixPartners, 43% of customers said drive-thru is the most preferred method for ordering food from a restaurant during the pandemic. Curbside pickup is preferred by 33%.

Wrapping up,

The global crisis of COVID-19 has accelerated the future. The appetite for seamless, convenient, and contactless operations will only grow as the economy reopens. To stay in line with the current situation, most restaurants are adapting quickly.

The pandemic has forced restaurants to become entrepreneurial by switching to novel operations methods such as contactless dining, curbside pickup, and walkup windows.

