How To Deal With A Loved One’s “Death”

Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readJan 20, 2018

The Spiritual Perspective:

Oneness — acknowledge that they have rejoined the unified consciousness.

We are all one and this “one” is like a huge mirror that separated into billions of tiny pieces, we are those pieces and we are all reflections of each other. We are the universe experiencing itself and separation is the illusion we must overcome.

The separation between us begins with our bodies — skin colour, gender, hair colour — we must recognise that we are not our bodies, we are the conscious energy that is powering this physical form. When our bodies die it means that it is our time to go back to where we came from before we had a body. No one ever really dies because energy cannot be destroyed — only transformed.

The Spiritual Growth:

We can choose not to obey the traditional school of thought, which is the perception that death is a “bad thing”- and instead choose belief systems that acknowledge who we truly are. We did not come here to live forever, we came here to have a human experience which involves both being born and dying.

There is nothing wrong with crying or expressing sadness because we must express how we truly feel, but we must also acknowledge that the mourning period is temporary. Our loved ones want us to live happy and fulfilled lives, we cannot do this if we are attached to the idea of their physical presence.

We must let go of the notion of death and acknowledge that those who have passed live on through us with the lessons they taught us, the way they made us feel and the memories we hold of them. Death is not final, it is a natural stage in life — just as growing from a baby into an adult — we must not associate a judgment to these stages of life, but accept them and be aware that those stages apply to us all.

No one ever really dies.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK.