
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readJul 5, 2018

9 Law Of Attraction Secrets You Need To Know

1. You’re in control. Our thoughts, beliefs and actions create the life we live and we have the free will to do, be, have, see & experience anything we desire. All limitations exist within the mind.

2. Thoughts become things. The way we think determines the way we see the world and the way we see the world becomes our world. Hence we must be practice meditation to become the observer of the thoughts we create.

3. Words are spells. Speaking our reality into existence occurs when we set an intention to manifest our desires and reinforce it with phrases such as “I am in the process of manifesting my desires”.

4. Be careful what you wish for. We are master manifestors — we can create anything we desire. We must be certain that what we desire is in alignment with our truth rather than a temporary distraction from the present moment.

5. Fill your own cup first. Taking care of our needs is how we are able to show up powerfully for others. Remember to put the oxygen mask on ourselves first before assisting others with theirs.

6. Positive actions create positive thoughts. The dominant thoughts we hold in our minds affect the way we see the world. If we want a positive life we must start by creating positive thoughts, positive actions create positive thoughts.

7. It’s all rigged in your favour. Adopting the concept of pronoia and believing that life is happening for our growth is how we turn everything into a positive instead of embodying a lower vibrational state when we interpret things as negative.

8. All limits exist within the mind. Before we set an intention of manifesting our desires we must first believe that we are capable of doing so — this requires us to reprogram limiting beliefs such as “I can’t” by asking the question “why can’t I?”.

9. Love is all you need. When we love ourselves we become a magnet for love & abundance because we attract what we are — not what we want.

It’s all rigged in our favour.

Peace & positive vibes.

Follow me on Instagram for daily positive affirmations ❤



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com