
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readMar 22, 2018

6 Things You Can Do To Attract The One

1. Self-love — loving ourselves. The relationship we have with ourselves will be the relationship we have with others, loving ourselves is the most practical way we can attract others who will love us. We attract what we are, to attract the ones we love we must start with loving ourselves.

2. Passion — doing what we love. We attract the ones we love by doing what we love because we are aligning ourselves with the love vibration. Living our lives in accordance with what we love naturally filters out everything we don’t resonate with because our thoughts, beliefs and actions revolve around love.

3. Authenticity — being true to ourselves. Living our truth means that what we say, think and do are in harmony — this creates peace within us and attracts others who are living their truth. This allows us to have honest & meaningful relationships that do not involve manipulation or drama — this is how we attract “the one”.

4. Alignment — acting in accordance with what we desire. If we desire a partner who takes care of their body & mind, reads books and enjoys walks on the beach — we must act in alignment with these desires and make sure we are exercising, reading and walking on the beach. This will place us in a mindset that will attract others of a similar nature.

5. Gratitude — moving into the vibration of abundance. When we are grateful for the love we already have in our lives we are sending a signal of abundance into the universe. We attract what we are and using the practice of gratitude we can attract an abundance of love in the relationships we have with ourselves & others.

6. Vision — knowing what we want. Building a clear mental picture of the type of person we want to attract into our lives will help us to recognise them when we meet them. This can be done by creating a vision wall with the types of personality traits we want our future partner to have such as intelligence, humour, empathy, compassion etc.

We attract what we are, to attract the ones we love we must start with loving ourselves.

Peace & positive vibes.

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Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com