
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readJun 29, 2017

What Is Karma

If you continually send out negativity in your thoughts, feelings and actions — this is what you will experience in your daily life. If you punch someone in the face karma will not make you get punched — but you will experience something of a similar vibrational nature.

We are magnets, but in this universe, like attracts like — the principle of karma is that you are repaid in kind for the type of energy you give out. For example if you are continuously projecting negativity onto others — you will experience negative thoughts, feelings and interactions as a result of this.

This is because the universe is responding to your vibration — the signal you are sending out by acting the way you do. So, if you would like to experience “good karma” you must start by sending out the kind of signals you would like to receive from others. This starts with you being completely authentic to who you are and what you want.

You cannot hope to gain good karma by being nice to people you don’t like — because you are telling the universe that you want to experience more of what you don’t like because you responded positively to it. Invest your time and energy into the things you want to see more of in your life and it will manifest.

Being kind, generous, understanding and empathetic to others with no expectations from them will attract more of these traits to you in different forms. For example if you have been volunteering to help those in need — you may experience good fortune when trying to find a place to rent.

The key here is having no expectations — act in the ways you would like others to act towards you and the universe will repay you in kind. It does this through the experiences we have, the people we meet and the unexplained things that happen to us. If you want to change your karma — change your actions.

Good karma comes from being good to yourself and others.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com