
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readAug 13, 2018

8 Things You Can Drop Today To Become Your Greatest Version

1. Negative people — naysayers. Having negative influences around us whilst we’re carrying out our mission is how we begin to doubt ourselves & stray from the path. Surrounding ourselves with the people, places & things that nurture our growth is how we remain consistently positive.

2. Obligations — there’s no such thing as “I have to”. Feeling obligated to do things for others is fear-based living and will only result in dissatisfaction because regardless of how much we do for others, it will never be enough.

3. Dependency — the opposite of self-sufficient. Relying on others to create change in our lives is like trying to Google something with no internet — nothing’s going to happen.

4. Inner conflict — living a lie. Being inauthentic to please others is how we become their prisoner & create deep conflict within ourselves. When we are true to ourselves everything else takes care of itself.

5. Judgment — of ourselves & others. Learning from our mistakes is how we prevent repeating them, judging ourselves for our mistakes only breeds fear & hesitation.

6. Ignorance — thinking we’ve got it all figured out. The second we become closed off to the acquisition of knowledge is the second we have chosen to die. The act of gaining knowledge is learning & if we’re not learning — we’re dying.

7. Separation — feeding the ego. Pursuing our goals for the praise, validation or acceptance of others will only result in a longing for more because fulfillment is only created from within.

8. Resentment — a heavy burden to bear. The hatred we hold toward others is like holding a hot piece of coal & expecting it to burn the other person.

Whatever you focus on grows.

Peace & positive vibes.

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Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com