
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readApr 30, 2018

8 Reasons Why You Aren’t Where You Want To Be Right Now

1. Excuses — justifications for not taking actions. Excuses sound best to those who are making them, talking about our goals is not the same as working on them.

2. Comfort — choosing to remain in our comfort zone. If we want something we’ve never had we have to be prepared to do something we’ve never done. To do something we’ve never done requires us to step out of our comfort zones and embrace change rather than resist it.

3. Fear — false evidence appearing real. Creating lasting positive change in our lives requires us to transcend the illusion of fear and we do this by being honest with ourselves and understanding where these fears are coming from & why we are allowing them to limit us.

4. Distractions — temporary pleasures. There’s a time and place to indulge in escapism, but if we continually seek temporary pleasure in the form of food, drugs, sex or television we are only escaping our discomfort in the now. This discomfort is coming from our desire for change, the only way to create this change is to change what the things we do every day.

5. Negativity — focusing on problems instead of solutions. Whatever we focus on grows, when we adjust our focus to what could go right instead of what could go wrong we begin creating our reality from a place of abundance and love rather than fear and scarcity.

6. Limiting beliefs — false narratives we tell ourselves. The narratives by which we live our lives determine whether or not we will manifest our heart’s desires. We must reprogram limiting beliefs such as “I can’t” by asking questions such as “why can’t I?”.

7. Perspective — looking too closely at situations. Meditation gives us a chance to observe ourselves in the present moment, this is a powerful grounding technique which stops us from following negative thought patterns that can cause us to give up on our journey to success.

8. Patience — giving up before results manifest. Many of us try something once and give up if we don’t reach our desired outcome within a week. Rome wasn’t built in a day — greatness takes time.

The best motivation is progress — actions create progress.

Peace & positive vibes

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Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com