
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readMay 26, 2017

Why You Need To Take Action Now

Look, there’s no point trying to hide behind the sofa and cower behind the upholstery — you’ve got to face the real world sooner or later. You can keep distracting yourself from the truth all you want, but one day it will hit you and the longer you ignore it — the harder it will hit you.

The truth is — you’re going to die. There’s no two ways about it — one day your life will end. The only question I have for you is — do you want to spend your life shying away from that voice inside that’s desperately trying to push you into chasing your dreams, or do you want to actually live?

There’s a big difference between living and existing — that line is drawn by you. If you choose to “play it safe” and just settle — you choose to exist. And, for the record, there is no “playing it safe” in this life — you could die tomorrow. There are no guarantees — so what are you afraid of?

Since there are no guarantees — you’ve got nothing to lose. There’s nothing stopping you from having everything you’ve ever wanted except for you. You are standing in your own way of living the life you’ve always dreamed of because you’re afraid of the “what-ifs”.

You can waste your whole life thinking about what-if, or you could take action and say “so what”?

So what if it’s hard? Keep going.

So what if it’s taking a long time? Keep going.

So what if you failed? Keep going.

Taking action is how you change your time on the planet from an existence into a life.

Or you can ignore everything you’ve read here today and get cosy on the couch next to your best friends: fear & doubt and have yourself a grand old time in front of the TV. Just remember that one day the party will end and you’ll be too old to change your existence into a life.

It’s your life — you decide if you want to live or exist.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com