
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readJun 16, 2017

For Those Of You Who Have Trust Issues

Some of you are so scared to get hurt again that you are purposefully trying to be “cold-hearted”. You think that this will stop you from getting hurt, when in actuality this approach to relationships is stopping you from experiencing a deep & meaningful love connection.

Yes, you may have been hurt. Yes, you may have been cheated on. Yes, you may think all men or women are scoundrels. Instead of complaining — think about how you can change to attract better to you in the future. Learn from these experiences and improve your discernment so that you can choose a better partner next time.

If you are in a relationship and you’re trying to keep “control” or a position of “power” over the other person — this shows that you are allowing your past to dictate the rest of your life. The hurt we experienced previously is not an excuse to treat others poorly — it is meant to be a learning experience.

Do you think that “catching feelings” is a bad thing because it opens you up to getting hurt? Does this mean you’d rather have a relationship devoid of feelings? Why bother having one at all? This fear of hurt is preventing you from experiencing something beautiful — hence why your relationships are not fulfilling.

You are closing yourself off from the opportunity of having a soul connection with someone you deeply resonate with because of your past. Would you want to be with someone who acts the way you do? Would you want them to disregard your feelings? Would you want them to keep secrets from you?

I used to have trust issues after a past relationship but after opening my heart I created deeply meaningful connections with my partners because I wasn’t being ruled by the fear of being hurt

Allow your past to make you better — not bitter.

Peace & positive vibes.



Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com