
Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness
2 min readSep 16, 2018

How To Avoid Unnecessary Relationship Arguments

When others treat us poorly we must understand why it was necessary for our growth. The insecurities we hold of ourselves are reflected in the relationships we have with others, they will continue to hold dominance in our lives until we address that which needs healing on the inside.

Not being comfortable with the thought of our partner going out without us — is an insecurity we hold of ourselves that we are projecting onto them. Address our thought process — why would it affect us so much if they were to “cheat” on us? Are we afraid of being alone?

If this is why we are settling for relationships with people we know we don’t resonate it’s because the relationship we have with ourselves needs healing. This cannot be done without taking time away from others and spending it with ourselves.

Insecurities can dominate our lives in many ways — in relationships they are reflected back to us in the form of our partners because we attract what we are. When we are insecure within ourselves we attract others of a similar nature and then it is up to you us to understand why we are experiencing conflict with them.

It’s easy to point the finger and say “they cheated” or “they’re a narcissist” — but it is much harder to look within and understand what it is about ourselves that attracted them in the first place. In the beginning, it’s going to be difficult but we must keep in mind that this is a practice that we implement daily to attract fulfilling relationships in the future.

The next time we find ourselves experiencing relationship problems we can ask ourselves “am I acting from a place of insecurity?” Understand what the problem is reflecting about how we are being as well as our behaviours & our ways of thinking. This is the only way to stop our insecurities standing in the way of having fulfilling relationships.

Love yourself enough to acknowledge your insecurities and heal them.

Peace & positive vibes.

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Sachin Sharma
Spoon of Consciousness

Daily blogger, bi-weekly podcaster, life coach & spiritual mentor sharing what’s helped me create a life I love. London, UK. www.spoonofconsciousness.com